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Everything posted by clearway

  1. Thanks Keith, to be honest your build is looking pretty darn good especially as she is nearly twice as small as terror scale wise. Keith
  2. Thanks for the likes and comments and popping in for a look everyone. Work continues with the rigging on the foremast with a most of lines belayed and coiling the ropes commencing. Also the fore topmast staysail is bent but still needs the halliard belayed and sheets, tacks and downhaul rigged. Take care everyone. Keith
  3. Nice work on the tarpaulins, i use tissue paper and enamel paint to imitate them (acrylic paint no good as it wrinkles the tissue). Keith
  4. Hey great to hear from you Keith and yes sometimes it is nice to step back from a hobby- if your mind isn't in the right place it won't be the relaxing past time it should be (only spending one or two days a week in my workshop recently). I have been reading the Frank Herbert Dune saga- wow great read. Glad to hear you are o.k. and must be weird/ sublime actually passing over where it all happened. Hey we have the keith, keith and keith combo here😎. The other Keith
  5. Thanks Keith, seems like ages ago! Regards the other Keith he has been quiet over last few months, think the last i heard from him was last September ..... hope he hasnt given up on his lil terror, though he might be awaiting matthew betts book being released which should be this October. Keith
  6. Work progressing on the foremast and the glorious bedlam and confusion that is rigging😁. All the square sails are now on the masts though the fore topgallant yard/sail hasnt had any rigging belayed yet. thanks for looking in everyone. Keith
  7. ty Keith , we did turn a lot into razor blades, cars and frying pans, but luckily a few people did realise what we were losing and done something about it thank god. Keith
  8. Thanks for the likes and looking in as always everyone. Back with Terror and we have the fore topgallant yard nearly finished and the sail ready to bend to the yard, Also the rings have been sewn onto the fore topmast staysail. took mother in law, son and daughter down to Keighley to ride the steam trains at start of easter holidays, the engine was built in 1899! Take care all Keith
  9. while us modellers are a little unhinged i still think you are mentally unstable- keep up the good work😁 Keith
  10. I used bostik brand woodworking glue which while taking longer to dry lets you adjust wood a little- it is a fast grab glue but still takes a few hours to set enough to remove pins/ clamps. Keith
  11. Coming along nicely-no need to bother too much filling gaps in first planking as 2nd layer covers it all. I normally sand wood outdoors without wearing a mask- but i really should start wearing a dust mask to be honest! Keith
  12. TY Geo- we got to say our goodbyes- a lot of people didn't get the chance over the last couple of years- we shall see them again but as you say not too soon we hope! Keith
  13. Ty Geo and condolences , my mom died of cancer last august so i know your pain, but at least we got to spend lots of time together during the last few months because of me being on partial furlough from work. Feel free to absorb/ borrow/ copy as many of my ideas as you like (that is why we post build logs on here to encourage/ pass information on to people). Keith
  14. welcome back Geo - i was wondering when you would be back in the Terror club😎. Wow is that really a year since your last terror pics!!!! Keith
  15. Nice to see someone else taking the plunge with the stern- apart from matthew betts blog if you go through keith s build log and my own i would say most of your questions will be answered as we spent a lot of time during lockdown one bouncing ideas off each other. I used studded anchorchain from caldercraft courtesy of cornwall model boats. Keith
  16. welcome to the little Terror club. To be honest even though i have built loads of models i too had probs with the parts list and instructions! I used the kit supplied deadeyes with home made strops but i think amati do chainplates that will fit them and look o.k.- if replacing the deadeyes completely i would most likely have gone with 3mm ones. Keith
  17. nice work and welcome to the Endurance club- nice work spotting the "gap" under the anchor deck (spotted it too late myself)! The anchor windlass was on the deck underneath (bit akin to Cutty Sark set up but no cutaway deck). Keith
  18. nice to see spring is in full swing 😁. Thanks for the likes as always. Sticking with the bowsprit/ jib boom/ martingale all the rigging except the jib boom guys/ whisker booms is in place. the topgallant stay runs in a groove at the end of the boom. from top to bottom through the dolphin striker we have the jib stay, martingale stay (chain) and the topgallant stay. used lees masting and rigging as opposed to occre instructions. take care everyone and dont forget clocks go forward an hour over the weekend .... yippee back to real time! Keith
  19. the fairing on the bows looks o.k.- i soak my planks in hot water in the bath for a few hours the using thumb and fingers work the curve in (after tapering the bow and stern parts of the plank). Keith
  20. welcome to the endurance club- mine is on the backburner at the moment but will hopefully re-boot her soon. Keith
  21. Thanks for looking in everyone, been quiet in the shipyard due to entire family being down with latest strain of covid then sidetracking with 1/35 armour yet again. Luckily i was cleared in time to go to Keighley for the spring steam gala (last years cancelled due to lockdowns). Back with Terror and decided before i continue with the sails on the foremasts i best sort out the jib boom and bowsprit shrouds etc. also rigged the jib stay from the fore topmast head , passed through jib boom and the dolphin striker though only temp belay job at the moment. take care all Keith
  22. amazing shot of the stern and wowwwwwwwwwwww
  23. dremels make life sooooooooooo much easier! welcome to the Terror club😁 Keith
  24. ah the joys of billings decks!!! i normally fit the deck without any deck planking , then plank the hull after which the gaps can be filled in between the decks and the bulwarks which is o.k. so long as you are going for a painted finish. Keith
  25. No need to apologise for the long post, you are the captain of your ship so just go what you feel confident with. While i agree you can go down a rabbit hole with Terror some of the mods to the build wont cost more for example the spider band on the mizzen mast and the alterations to the fore and main fife rails as you already have the wood in the kit. My deckhouses in the stern were built from off cuts of ply from the kit and strip wood from my spares pile and for the spider band you can use the large brass eyes to hold the treenails. As regards driving the admiral mad you can talk as much as you like about Terror on here and we will fully understand😁. Keith
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