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Everything posted by clearway

  1. Thanks Johnny- i am building the railings in sections which can be removed for painting -the three at the front finish half way through the ball joint with the side pieces bent to shape to interlock when finished. I used superglue once i was happy with the dry fit. I am just going to model the steering without deckhouse as not enough info. Keith
  2. thanks for looking in everyone, after storm arwen has swept through we have calm with frost brrrrrr, however feels more like endurance weather! ye olde copper tape has been used for the metal plating on the prow and the prop is in place along with a start on the railings on the ritz and the galley chimney. Actually bought 12mm railing stanchions by caldercraft from cornwall model boats along with 0.7mm brass wire. take care all Keith
  3. i think the balls are just decorative forms of mast caps- well done and those extra researched details really set her off. Keith
  4. Thanks Hakezou- you would think that a ship with soooooo many photographs taken of her wouldn't have any grey areas!!!! Keith
  5. Hi Johnny- we use the copper strip for repairing edge connectors on circuit boards at work, but people who make dolls houses use it for making lighting conduit- do a search on copper dolls house tape if no joy with electronic suppliers. Keith
  6. Ty Johnny and thanks for likes/ looking in everyone. Carried out a bit more work on the funnel, it actually had a "bell mouth" top which i worked in with a pair of small pliers, the bands are cut from self adhesive copper strip. The steam pipe according to pics and the plans for polaris i bought went more or less to the top of the funnel with the whistle actually only reaching half way up. Also carried out work on the deck house (Ritz) bit of a mystery though as on the plans for Polaris there are three arch topped windows where occre have two portholes and a door. However all the other square windows on the plans are portholes on the photos (i.e. the portholes along the stern island) so decided to make it three portholes with the doors moved to correct positions. Also planked the walls as per photos. Tomorrow our local model railway show is back on after being cancelled last year (will have to try not to break the bank on the traders stands)! Take care all Keith
  7. Havn't looked in here for a while- wow really coming along now- the rigging is my favourite bit (so i keep telling myself)! Keith
  8. Ty keith,,,, had a look at that link you posted on other Keiths post ...really cool. The other Keith!
  9. Thanks for likes comments and looking in everyone. Have got the rigging for the topsail yard halliards stowed and rigged the backstays for the top/ topgallant masts (topgallant still needs tidied up). Work also continuing on the fore yard. Take care all Keith
  10. cool as Keith, not sure about your neck of the woods but after daylight saving with the time getting dark by 4.30ish in the afternoon though still very mild here. Keith
  11. Take care geowolf, hope everything works out o.k.Keith
  12. Thanks for the likes and comments everyone. Today got the capping rails added and started on some of the hatches/ skylights. A few months ago our standing lamp in the living room went bust and when dismantling to fit in the metal recycling bin thought " hey that bit of tubing will be the right diameter for the funnel" and it was, which will look a lot better than using the wooden dowel supplied with the kit. Take care all Keith
  13. Ty HakeZou- i was pondering for a long time whether to just use white transfer lettering or go with the supplied nameplate but they did such a nice job with the etch i went with it! Keith
  14. Wow how the weather has changed since my last update! since Tuesday gone Honister Pass about 20 miles from where i live has recorded around 4 to 500mm of rain (about 20 inches to our imperial brethren)! Back with Endurance and have added the gingerbread work to the bows, sprayed with humbrol matt white 34 then used an abrasive rubber to reveal the brass scrollwork. also added the timber inside the forecastle bulwarks but used walnut. The bulearks in the waist have been planked as i am going with a varnished finish, decided to use the supplied etched nameplate on the stern by first priming then painting with humbrol 29 dark earth to help it blend in with the walnut planking with the lettering again revealed with the rubber. take care all Keith
  15. This is yet another one in my to do stash! You would think in these days of cad cam design ye olde deck overlapping bulwark issue would be a thing of the past! Keith
  16. sometimes i use a cocktail stick instead of a paintbrush for fine lines, keep up the good work. Keith
  17. Ty very much Daniel, not sure how right or wrong i have got the rigging but it is certainly more accurate than the instructions! Well the local T.V. weather forecasters kept harping on about how dry September was so it's basically hardly stopped raining in October so far!!! with the dark nights and poor weather comes shipyard time though😜. Have finally finished the running rigging on the mainmast sails (bar the braces that is) final jobs were the t'gallant lifts, clewlines and the topsail yard halliards (also nice to have the funnel, compass table and capstan back in place though still not glued in place yet). earlier in the week took my son, daughter and mother in law for a daytrip down to the steam railway and aquarium at Lakeside, Windermere. Take care all and have fun Keith
  18. Welcome back, as an aside the tall ship Auf Chapman in Stockholm harbour was formally known as the Dunboyne and was built in my hometown 😉 Keith
  19. myself i would go with sewn set of sails, i think ships like this always look a bit bare when modelled with bare poles/ furled sails as not much going on up top compared to a full rigged ship (i sew the hems but get my mother in law to stitch the "sail panels" on her sewing machine though as she is now in her 80s she has said no moreeeeeeeee!!! Keith
  20. looking good and nice advise to yourself regarding gluing spreaders in place! when i am about to permanently glue things in place i always move the ship back a little and scan everything in that area to make sure i don,t have to "tweak" anything (still sometimes get caught out though)! Keith
  21. welcome back my fellow terrorite 😁 - Matthew Betts book has been delayed in the U.K. too with a 2022 release date announced! ......Looks around to find Keith S so we can get our threesome going again😜. Keith
  22. OMG just when i thought you couldn't surprise me anymore with your sublime detailing you maniac- keep up the good work😀 Keith
  23. starting to look nice and busy on the decks- this is the bit i like when all the small details start gathering momentum after the slog of making the hull. Keith
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