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Everything posted by Shazmira

  1. Hey Keep me out of this...I can't help it people like to talk on my log lol
  2. ah, ok, that looks great Ferit....Too late for me to make those changes..I am DONE going backwards, want to finish the rigging and finish this ship!!
  3. Yes Sjors, they are in pairs....there is one single on the mast that has an odd number, but all the rest are pairs
  4. Floyd, what can I say....I just couldn't help myself! Sjors, patience my friend...the Syren will have her turn
  5. Trust me, I understand the work thing Sjors....dealing with that myself of late
  6. I was very busy yesterday, feel like I made a decent dent in the rigging. First, I set up both serving machines and served my shroud lines, it worked well, while the line on one machine was drying (the spot of ca to hold) I could serve the next, made it very nice to just keep going without downtime for glue drying Next I seized the lines where they will loop over the masts Next I looped the shroud lines over the masts and put the lines down through the crow's nest. I alternated sides until all the lines were where they needed to go. (yes I see the chipped paint, I will need to do some touch ups later) Once all the shroud lines were attached at the masts I attached the other end of the lines to the deadeyes on my jig to keep the spacing even. (used CA to help hold the deadeyes to the shroud line) By the time I had finished, the first were dry and I could go back and do the first seizing above the deadeye Again, once finished I could go right back to the beginning and add the second Seizing One mast's seized shroud lines Where she stands now...all shroud lines are on and attached to deadeyes....Next, the lanyards between deadeyes to hold it all in place....that will have to wait a bit....I have school work to focus on today...and as usual, I am having a bad reaction to the CA from yesterday. Knowing I will need it again for the lanyards, I think a break is best for my sinuses. I wish it wasn't so HOT, I would build outside where the fumes would not get to me!!!!! Maybe, if I finish the school work, I can at least take the lanyard pieces outside to dip in CA (to make a "needle" end for threading through the deadeye holes). And maybe...just maybe...I can get some more done...BUT SCHOOL WORK FIRST!
  7. Interesting...I haven't seen brackets before, just the usual nail through the lower hole on the deadeye strop. Where did you get that idea? Wondering if I missed something important.
  8. Looking very good Sjors, and nice to see some pics and progress despite the heat!!
  9. Adriaan, Sorry to hear you are not yet back to 100%. Hopefully, this course of antibiotics will put an end to things.
  10. Quick! Quick! dial 911 we have a run away log oh noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  11. Soooo......not to sound like you know who...but are you working on her, or still enjoying vacation?
  12. Like I keep telling Craig (the same age as you Randy) you are only as old as you ALLOW yourself to be. I for one, refuse to consider myself old. I am sure my students look at me and think I am ancient, but you know what...I have done, and seen things they can only imagine....some I would not wish on my worst enemy, but others...makes me sad to think so many of these kids will never really experience the world and all it has to share with them. So many are content to just stay in their own little corner of the world and never venture out, or open their eyes (or their minds)to the soooo much more that is out there. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with those who intend to just keep working the family farm, or work the family business....I am happy to see that kind of life is still alive and well, but I wish I had the power to show them more, just so they could say been there done that, and then go work.
  13. I grew up in Nebraska where 37C is very common all summer long, and I thought that was hot. Then I moved to NW Kansas where 40C is the norm. Dry heat, humid heat, it doesn't matter, when it gets to triple digits it is just plain HOT!!!
  14. hahahahaha, good luck with that one Randy! I am MUCH older than you and it still hasn't helped!
  15. Ahhh, I was not aware Popeye was affiliated with W**M***, my bad lol. Thanks Edwin, I hope you enjoyed them both, I know I enjoyed the few drinks I imbibed in once I got home...planning to imbibe in a few Jacks come tomorrow night as well lol. And hello again Wayne, hope your moving situation is working out well for you and going smoothly! Ok, progress to report. I really do like the looks of the serving and the seizing...the Morope, and the serving machine make a great difference The lanyards look much cleaner and crisper as well with the Morope The 3 stays completed....now onto the shroud lines!
  16. Randy, I have learned it seems to come with the territory. You go to fix one thing, and in the tear down create more work for yourself. i had the same problem with the channels when I removed my rigging....decided against changing the twisted wire out for proper chainplates. No way I wanted to repair all the damage I knew I would cause to my hull since I have those wires CA'd in place to stop the twisting. But, I do believe in the end you will be happier. I am just about finished with the stays, gotta say good rope, good serving machine = much better results!
  17. went to 4 different hardware stores yesterday....no luck at all. Stopped by Walmart, and they had exactly what I needed, go figure. Holes are drilled now, and I am hard at work serving, seizing, and making my stays...hopefully I will have some pics to show today
  18. Adriaan, take it easy and fix yourself first! One thing I have learned as life has gotten in the way of my building is that the boats don't seem to care, they just sit right where you left them waiting patiently for your return. It is only our own minds that seems to think we have a schedule to keep.
  19. Popeye, I went to the dremel site and found a 4 pack of different size collets..$24.95 + S&H from Amazon...I hope I can find it at the hardware store and save me the S&H
  20. So glad to see others are taking a break from building too. It is the time of year to spend outdoors after all
  21. Enjoy the vaca Sherry, ship looks great, and I love the lights! It really gives it character.
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