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Everything posted by Shazmira

  1. WOW, Andy is calling Anja names and sticking his tongue out at Sjors.....so what's next? Paint looks good Sjors, I hope you are happier with it.
  2. HAHAHAHA, NOT ready to start the Syren yet Sjors....I told you, going to finish this one first!!! Managed to remove all the previously installed rigging...really felt sad to do it, but I know I will be happier in the long run when I can get the upper shrouds done correctly. I am having a heck of a time getting the masts apart...cant remember what kind of glue I used. I am thinking it is PVA so I will soak some paper towels with water, then wrap them around the portions I need to separate and wrap all that in aluminum foil and let sit until tomorrow after work. hopefully then it will all separate without damaging anything.
  3. Morope has arrived, all of it has been waxed, stretched, and dried....tear out of original rigging commencing!
  4. Sam, the finish is beautiful, and that first picture show a beautifully planked hull. Those bits at the stern that have your attention...I am betting when finished, you are the only one who will notice the discrepancy. But, you know the rule of modeling...if you aren't content and happy with it, if it is the cause of sleepless nights, THEN you need to rework and scratch it to please yourself!
  5. The fix looks great David...see, nothing to get upset about at all, just an easy fix!! As for things not coming together, or fitting properly, welcome to the world of kit building But in all seriousness, it is just those little challenges that force us to overcome, adapt, and create innovative fixes. It is those things that make us better modelers.
  6. So sanded, and sanded, and sanded, and sanded, but I think I got her where I need her. Now just need to find a way to clean up some of the glue and smooth up the frames a bit more. But today is a RIDE day, so further work will have to wait until tonight
  7. Sjors????? Where have you been my friend? I haven't seen you around here for days....
  8. Jim, I think you are doing an excellent job...learning curves are steep on some of these models and you are adjusting and adapting well!!! She looks great, and your rudder and hinges will look nice and clean too I can tell. Keep up the great work!
  9. Looks very clean as usual Popeye, and appearing to move at an impressive pace!!!
  10. Wow Augie...if mine comes anywhere near to half as good I will be thrilled. She looks picture perfect, well done!!!
  11. Trust me Adriaan, it is worth it...sooo much nicer rope than what Al gives you!!! Shrouds look very nice Randy, good and even too. Great start!!!! Got my second order from Morope today...I ordered .80mm and 1.5 mm, this stuff now is closer in size to what the kit provided. I think its nice tight twist will make all the standing and running rigging look much more neat and clean. I will have to wax and stretch it all tomorrow, so it will be ready to go when I am ready next week.
  12. Hahaha, the guy is just a friend of ours. He owns the bike, but want to sell it. He let me ride it last Sunday and now I am hooked!
  13. Sorry guys keep your Ferrari...this is what I have my eyes on right now. The bike, not the guy lol. 2003 Heritage soft-tail classic, Harley's 100th anniversary edition with a white pearl coat paint job. Now if I can just sell my house!!!
  14. Thanks Russ, I did look at those but couldn't tell if he had sanded it all down and even, or if his broke off even meaning I had done mine wrong. Thanks Chuck, I feel better now. Guess I have a lot more sanding to do than I thought to bring the interior down to the proper thickness
  15. I have a question, I have gone through all the logs on this build but don't see the answer I am looking for. I am removing the centers of the bulkheads and when I do the frames that remain are well below the top of the keel. Is this normal, or did I set my bulkheads too deep on the keel? I know I have to sand the interior of the hull and frames, am I supposed to sand this center "rib" keel down to the height of the frames, or go even further and reduce the thickness of the frames as well?
  16. I must have missed that post....so why is everyone so eagerly awaiting the Essex? Just because it is new?
  17. Buck, I use this method. Got it from someone in the rigging topic area http://www.shakuhachi.com/Y-BindingRepair.html
  18. other side is sanded and conditioned 3 more sandings up to 800 grit paper, 1 last coat of conditioner I think I am pretty darn happy with her!
  19. Thanks everyone...I am actually a little surprised at the planking job. I really feel I did learn something, oh trust me, there is still lots of room for improvement, but dang I think it is even harder a tiny little boat like this. At least on a larger model the bends and curves are much less sharp or steep. Trying to get and 1/8 inch edge bend in 1/2 inch length of planking is a pain in the patooie I so very much like the light colored wood of this kit, that is part of the reason I wanted her...I worry that the cherry will take away from the nice contrast of blonde basswood and the red trim paint color. I will see how the other side's planking looks once I get it sanded and smoothed and then decide if I want to double plank. I am seriously considering contacting Jeff at Hobby Mill and upgrading the wood in the Syren....not the basswood for planking, most of that is covered in copper or paint, but having some boxwood or holly to hold sharp edges for all the deck items I think might make for a nicer looking ship when it is finished. Pocket book will determine if I go that route or not, but I am sending Jeff a message for a price quote in the meantime. Michael, I am waiting...somewhat patiently lol. new morope order should be here by this Saturday...then I will need to wax it and stretch it...then, just waiting lol. NO, NO, NO, Sjors...Syren is still safely tucked in her box...table isn't big enough, and no room in the living room for another one. Haven't even begun clearing the porch where my new shop will go because the weather has been too crappy. This little longboat will keep me busy at least for a couple more weeks...maybe by then the sun will shine again and then I can get things ready for the BIG move lol
  20. Essex? why the Essex??? Just curious about the hype is why I ask. I think I am holding out for Chuck's Winchelsea...
  21. At least those crow's nests are made of wood...easy enough for you (Keith) to modify to no look so clunky. Rope looks much better than the crap I got. The boat sucks, get the $2 one, or make your own, you know you can.
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