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Everything posted by Shazmira

  1. Sjors, your fix looks great Be very proud of your accomplishment!! As for the other topic that seems to have taken root here....I will refrain from comment...trust me, I could make the hardiest of you sailors blush !
  2. Ok, a picture for Sjors as this is the only progress I have made on the SF all week. as you can see, the masts are taken apart, and all the deadeye jigs are ready and waiting. Update on the serving machine, it is in the US, has been for 4 days, so hopefully it will be here by the weekend. I might even have some time to build come Sunday
  3. Sherry, only thing I can add is this....MEASURE at least 10 times BEFORE you make that first cut
  4. Looks good David! Now, take your time and do the rest patiently and you will be happy with the results
  5. Much better Sjors, and now you have the confidence in yourself to know you can fix any issues that come up!
  6. I think you will be much happier, when this is shaped and fit into place
  7. Thanks Grant, I know, I know, I wanted perfection....but my human failings prevent it Adriaan, thank you...and btw...where is your pics of all the lights, I am waiting...... Thanks Mark. I know, most everyone else wont see it, so I should be satisfied...but...dang it anyway!! Serving machine "should" be delivered Monday, then I can get back to the SF and finish her up. Amazing how excited I am to go back to re-do the rigging, but she is my first, and I do so want to take her to completion! Randy, lol, yes, I confess, the thought crossed my mind...but I am NOT going to do that. I have come to the conclusion on some things, you just have to be content and say "next time I will do better". Hmmmm, I was thinking there was no way to just remove paint from that top rail without messing up the hull paint job, and this hull is paper thin as it is and would not stand up to any additional sanding. Then, because of your post it did pop into my head to just make a new top rail.........Dang it Randy!!!! Well, I am off to Nebraska for the weekend, I will let that idea simmer for a bit....hmmm...I wish I had some scraps 1/2" x 1/16" of some sort of hardwood. It wouldn't matter what kind, the paint will hide it all anyway but at least a hardwood would hold that sharp edge...hmmm.....
  8. Sam, hey don't blame me...I do believe I am only echoing what you told me You know the rules..do it and do it again until YOU are happy! Send the cat to me...you will never have to worry about her again
  9. Buck, not a single thing has been done on the drydock as yet. The last two weeks have been spent creating and building an area for the dogs. We have 4 and the cost of kenneling them when we leave is astronomical. So, the really nice metal shed (old dog house) that I originally thought would make a nice shop, has been purposed back to its original purpose. Spent 8 days, just cleaning it out, sanitizing and scrubbing the concrete floor, insulating the walls and ceiling, and lining the whole thing interior with plywood. Then we cut a hole in the side for doggy access, cleaned out the wood stove inside, and put in a new window air conditioner and wired it all up. Then we put up a fence, giving the dogs a large 50x30 play area, complete with a huge old tree to provide shade at all hours of the day, put in a plastic kiddie pool, so they can submerse themselves and cool down. So now they all have their own large, heated and cooled house to hold their individual kennels and blankies, and a huge front yard to run and play...and do their business in, complete with toys and a pool. I think that was the last major outdoor project for the year, so hopefully now we can begin on the front porch/drydock! Mark, I really believe there is an advantage from riding a bike (motorized one). Riders have to be constantly on alert and extremely observant. High speeds and other unobservant drivers, or wild critters spell disaster to riders and passengers alike who have nothing to protect them. Plus, a ride on a bike opens your senses to so much more, than a ride in a car. I have always loved driving through the mountains, love the sights and smells and sounds...then I RODE through the mountains...the difference was amazing. My advice, go buy that new tool...it doesn't have to be a Harley...but, if you want the Admiral happy, make sure it is a touring model of whatever manufacturer you choose...buy one that is designed for the passengers comfort and she can't complain
  10. Wow, it has been a busy, busy week, very little time for building, but the dog run is in now, and the yard is mowed again . In between all the other real life issues, I did manage to finish painting. Unfortunately I did NOT get that nice crisp edge on the top rail . I should have scraped the edge...DO NOT LIKE this soft fuzzy basswood!! the sandpaper gave me too much rounding so I have that white edge showing around my red....oh well...it too will stay
  11. Looking wonderful popeye, I was going to say that I had no doubts you would find a fix to the bulwark issue, and viola a couple pics more and all is well
  12. Buck, I am impressed as usual. I cannot believe the amount of detail you have added to this build, it is truly a beautiful work of art.
  13. Awww poor Sjors, more chores.....Good for you Anja...I make mine do chores as well!!!
  14. My condolences to John's family. All of us here thought of him as a special person and held him in the highest regard. My prayers go out to Susanne and the family.
  15. I am wondering if you couldn't just add a bit of wood to the bottom of the "arches". Just the skinny side parts that come down to part #157 in your instructions. if you made those on both sides longer, then the whole assembly would be raised up high enough to cover the upper cabins?
  16. Okay, Okay...I do agree, the paint has some aesthetic value lol. It has very kindly, thoughtfully, and tactfully been brought to my attention, that my waterline is incorrect. The waterline is, as most of you know, supposed to be a straight horizontal line, and as you can see mine is not. I thank the person who took the time to point out my error to me, as that is exactly what I hope for and expect from the other builders here. I did try to make a waterline marker...and every time I marked it out, the stupid pencil still insisted on following the lines (curves) of the hull rather than staying perfectly horizontal. Well, 3 days...40 thin coats of paint with sanding between each layer....she is going to have to stay as she is I honestly think, my subconscious got involved here. Personally, when I look at the historically accurate models and replicas, my eyes are drawn to that painted water line, and my mind hates it because the straight line goes against the lines of the hull. it seems to insult my sense of flow, and design. Pretty much why I didn't want to paint it in the first place. So I am betting that as much as my logical mind was trying to create a perfectly horizontal waterline...the more creative and aesthetically driven parts of my brain were rebelling and where the line ended up was a kind of compromise between the two. I can live with it, and when I look at her, I see the sweeping lines I prefer, so...to everyone here, I apologize if my feminine side causes consternation. But as I am a girl...I like it!! And I will live with it.
  17. Ok, one quick pic because I promised, and I always try to keep my promises. need to sand the painted hull one more time, but I am letting the paint "set" until tomorrow. Friezes are on and 1st little "strip" that borders and sets off the friezes. still thinking I would have preferred it without the painted hull......
  18. Ahhhh, he has said the magic words..."next time". He is doomed to the ranks of the shipaholics already
  19. All I know is this....where are the ? hmmm Mr. Sjors?
  20. Grant, thanks for the reminder about the alcohol, it worked like a charm. now just need my serving machine and I am ready to get busy again! Funny thing about the rat lines, I don't find them mind numbing at all...maybe it is the intricate needlework, but I find them stimulating and enjoyable, what can I say...everyone here is nuts anyway for doing this hobby lol
  21. She still looks clean and neat, even though the deadeyes are twisting on you. I used a couple drops of CA on the lower deadeyes to stop that, trade off...close ups show the glue
  22. I would have left well enough alone, but I had nothing to attach the upper shroud deadeyes too. Instructions failed to mention needing to drill holes in my crow's nests first. I attempted drilling the holes with them in place, but even though the metal is soft, I could not get it done without causing breakage to the masts. So, in order to drill the holes properly I need to remove the crows nests. Problem...that means the lower shrouds have to come down as they run through the nests. It is not the end of the world, I bought better rope, ordered a serving machine...so I believe that will make doing the shrouds easier this time, and I enjoy the rat lines anyway. It is only setting me back about 3 weeks....oh well, the longboat is keeping me busy in the meantime
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