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Everything posted by Shazmira

  1. wolf, the rope company is actually out of Europe somewhere, it is possible they can ship to where you are, I would get on their website and check it out!
  2. First a picture for Sjors without the bow or stern cut off Fought with this thwart...Made two of them as per the instructions and both snapped in half when I tried to fit them between the frames and under the rails. So I got a little creative and fashioned my own little fix for the problem. UGHHH close up really shows all those nasty basswood fuzzies. Close up of completed piece...sorry for the blurriness, but at least it hides the fuzziness Went to work making the seats and locker lid next, I think I have them shaped and fitted correctly. I also decided to add a little "groove" to help hold the back "frame" for the toolbox lid. I think I will also glue a small strip of some scrap below this to offer some support. The view with the "frame" dry fit Painted seats installed. I can see now I am in a bit of a "fix" I measured my risers, but it seems they are too high, there is very little space between the tops of the seats and the underside of the top rail. I see looking ahead there are some corner piece to be added and there is supposed to be a gap between those corner supports and the tops of the seats. Well, mine will not have much gap...the only way to fix this is to strip out everything to the floorboards and move it all "down". I don't feel like that kind of a redo, and I don't foresee any issues other than "looks" to leaving things the way they are. If I am wrong, someone please tell me now so I can do it over if need be.
  3. Jay, I have decided to order boxwood from hobby mills for the Syren. I refuse to fight with this soft crappy basswood on that build as well!!! Great for first planking, but absolutely useless for anything else Randy, you are the one who gave me the idea to "strip" it off several pages back lol, I just took it to mean strip the whole piece off Eddie, I like to go to auctions, and have gotten some very good deals on many items...just NOT power tools it seems. I try to leave other half at home when I go, because he falls in that catagory you mentioned...it becomes a "got to win" and he usually ends up paying much more than the item is worth. Me I go in with a price in my head...if it goes over more than 5-10 what I had in mind, I just walk away. Personally I would prefer to buy my tools new (with a warranty), or gently used by someone I knew took care of them. However, if I could get a really great deal I would buy them, that way, if they are aboslute garbage I am not out much and can still afford to replace with a new one.
  4. Mark, Michael Mott built the serving machine for me. I think he felt really sorry for me when I went and bought all the stuff Andy told me to buy so I could create one like his, but when I got home, the gears I had would not work. Michael had showed me his and I jokingly said I would buy it from him. We struck a deal, and he built me a new one. Michael says, it was great fun, and he made improvements based of Alexis (with his permission) to both mine and his own, but swears he would never do it again!!! I think it is much like model building, finish one, and you never have the desire to do the same build a second time.
  5. I swear Adriaan that the 1 step forward, 2 steps back is what this hobby is all about. I feel for you buddy, I know firsthand the frustration you are feeling. Time to get up from the work bench, go pull some weeds in the garden, or mow the yard...anything to clear the head. Then you sit back down, and tackle each litte issue one at a time!!! As I have learned, the ship will wait patiently for your return!
  6. Made a little bit of progress. I was really unhappy with that top rail last I posted an update...so I tore it off, made a new one, and did a better job of keeping the edges sharper with this soft basswood. Made it much easier to keep the white on the "sides" rather than floating up to surround the red paint. Then I installed my floorboards and platforms. i wanted a richer color, so I stained them with minwax red mahogany. scribed, then stained and installed the risers. and as you can see the clamps dented the soft basswood, so had to sand and touch up paint again carved and sanded the front wall of the "foot locker" Then scribed and installed my thwarts Now I am working on the larger thwart, and doing the metal work on it. Should have it installed tomorrow.
  7. Happy Birthday My Friend! Wishing you the best of days, and many more happy years to come!
  8. Okay Andy....although I would prefer to say your backside was what I was drawn to rather than Peggy's . And boys it is time to put all the balls, cannon or cotton away, and leave all the nuts for the local squirrels to hide for their winter dining pleasure.
  9. Randy, do you not use Paypal? Just curious...I do so my turn around time on the rope is only about 2-3 days. Thanks for answering my question about the stays. And thanks for the Captain comment, wow, I should have gotten there a couple weeks ago....crazy crazy life right now, what can I say.
  10. Danny, don't sell yourself short. You say you are only doing what is in the books....I call bull! The books may talk about it all, but you are the one designing, and creating (very skilfully and beautifully) all those little parts. It takes a special person to bring all those to reality and life and you are doing an excellent job of it! Take credit for your art, you deserve it!
  11. Okay, so it seems Andy has me pegged pretty darn close...always did love living life a bit more on the unconventional side. And although Sjors elected to keep his mouth shut....it seems to me that all of this began somewhere on one of his pages with a comment about balls. Looks to me like it all just spilled over into several other topics as well. However, as much as I would just like to say let's blame it all on Sjors....I believe the real culprit is Augie. He does have a way with turning things a bit to the "blue" side . Yep, couldn't help giving that little nudge
  12. I step away from perusing all the logs for a couple week and I come back and see you created a masterpiece. That cabin is awesome, what a great little diversion!!! Now cut those gun ports!!!!
  13. Looking at those pics again...do your stays wrap around the mast under the crow's nest, or do they go up inside, and wrap around above them?
  14. Wow Adrieke, you have made some major progress since I was last able to get in here and look. Way to go, she really is coming together and looking good!
  15. Randy, the difference is crystal clear, I am betting you are much happier now.
  16. All these little details do bring the build to life. It is amazing the things you think to add!
  17. Wow, had to get caught up....although it appears a couple pages here and there I could have skipped, you all had me blushing....NOT. But Peggy does look very nice Andy, I hope you get home to her soon and safely
  18. I like it!!!! The question is...do you? If the answer is YES, then you have achieved what you set out to do my friend.
  19. Poor Randy...I just don't know what to say...honestly, tying the clove hitches using a needle really is very easy. I had no difficulties at all with the ratlines, unlike the stupid shrouds lol. Maybe whe should ship each other our SF's, you do the shrouds and I do the rats As for psychiatric hospitals, I believe ANYONE involved in this hobby should probably be committed to one, after all, I think we are gluttons for punishment aren't we. Besides, isn't the very definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over again, and each time expecting a different result? I'd say that pretty much covers you, me, Keith, Sjors, and I don't know how many others who do it, tear it out, re-do it, and then maybe tear it out again lol
  20. Thanks everyone for getting back to me. I had taken a closer look at Chuck's log and I do see them following the line of the hull so that is what I did. Working on those fragile little platforms now ugh!
  21. Sanding is cathartic, no thinking involved, and you can use the repetitive motion to help clear your thoughts and let your mind find peace
  22. Question, I am putting the floorboards in and I am wondering are they supposed to be laid along the curve of the hull, or should they provide a level place for one's feet from one side to the other of the hull?
  23. exactly why I am behaving myself....having a bit of trouble being the good girl too
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