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Everything posted by Shazmira

  1. WOW! I get caught up with life for a few days, come check in finally and I see you have made great progress!!! She is looking quite beautiful Sjors, be proud!!!
  2. Beautiful work Danny, your attention to even the smallest of details is inspiring.
  3. Wow, Sjors! Isn't it amazing how just a few bits and pieces really starts to make it all come together. She is looking very good!!! No Chris Craft for me, I am NOT taking a boat that costs more than I make in 6 years out on the water, with my luck I would do something wrong and sink it
  4. Love the pirates David, that will make it personal and fun. Sorry to hear the move didn't work out this time.
  5. Yea! Peggy's home, Peggy's home!!!! Enjoy your little break from the real world Andy!
  6. Beautiful Augie, although I have come to expect nothing less from you!
  7. A little progress today, rudder and pintels done made the rudder steering thingy Got the pedestals made, and holes drilled into the keel. The hull is all done, now it is time for the masts and the rigging. Sorry, it will have to wait a bit. Off to Colorado in the morning for 4 days of R&R.
  8. Congratulations on the new job Buck, but I am sorry to hear another Kansan is moving away . But I get it, you gotta go where the work is, that is how I ended up here last year myself. Hope everything goes smoothly in the the house selling, house hunting/buying, and the move itself.
  9. AW Augie, don't tease Sjors like that, you might scare him off from visiting.
  10. WOW another day and another picture, color me impressed! Looks great Sjors!!
  11. Now that looks Awesome !!! Thank you so much for the new
  12. Thanks for the suggestions, soaking the brass in vinegar, and then switching to acrylic paint seemed to work well. With today being a holiday the local gun shop is closed, but I will be there tomorrow to get some bluing for in the future. At least with the longboat there are only a few tiny parts to worry about painting. However, I am sure I will want to blacken rather than paint the brass for the Syren.
  13. HEY!!! Where are the latest pictures?????? hmmmmm
  14. Spent the afternoon creating the windlass and handles, I think they will work. Have a question, the instructions say to paint the rings, and eyebolts black. The waterbased (ME) paint I have is NOT sticking to the brass and I do not have access to anything like blacken it. Is there something I can do to treat the brass first so the paint sticks? Windlass handles windlass and handles installed, as are the oar locks close up of the windlass
  15. Mick, my best advice is that you just pack it up when it arrives and forward the kit onto me, and I will take care of it for you I absolutely fell in love with that kit about a month ago, I have it on my MUST DO list as soon as I can afford her. She is a beautiful build for sure.
  16. Thanks to everyone for the kind comments and encouragement! Remember, if it looks like crap, then tell me!!!! Tom, I understand the whole priority thing believe me, most of mine center on keeping a mortgage paid for on a house I don't live in....hopefully it will sell very soon now that it is on the market!!! Then I can switch my priorities to my shop and all the tools that will fill it Small update, finished the seats and tool box, complete with faux hinges per Chuck's instructions. I think it works ok. working today on all the knees, got them shaped last night, trying to get them painted now. so hopefully more pics to follow
  17. WELL DONE my friend...see that measuring 4000 times had its advantage...not a single one looks less than perfect. Take a bow lady, you done well!!!
  18. so......are you still in avoidance mode??? waiting on pics of holes you know lol
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