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Posts posted by mtdoramike

  1. Not letting the cat out of the bag, but I have spoken to a representative from my local Hospital, who would be interested in displaying this model at their hospital if I decided to donate it to them. But I'm not really entertaining any plans on that aspect yet until I get quite further into the build.


    I'm also hoping to find a business or group who would be willing to supply the display case or fund the display case on this donation because on the last one almost got me kicked out of the house when I told my wife that not only was I buying the kit, supplying all the materials, and spending 2500 hours building the model, I'm also supplying the $900.00 display case. That went over about like a rock.




  2. I wasn't going to do a build log on this next project, but after checking on the forums, I found only a few builds of the fine ship model kit.


    I bought this kit from a forum member some time ago with the intent on building it as a donation project once I finished the Latina Victory Library donation project. I will start the build in a month or so once I have taken a break from the Victory build.  This would just be my observations of the kit, manufacture and content. I also will not make a decision as to who or what organization will be the benefactor of the Montane's donation until I'm about 3/4 of the way through the build as to not place any added pressure on myself while building. I went ahead and ordered a nice brass & black plaque for her, don't it look classy? This kit produces a large model at 49 inches long and will need a display case at 55" x 42" x 22". The average cost of this kit in the U.S. runs around $899.00 if you can find one because they don't seem to be that common.


    A little back ground on the ship: The figurehead of this ship is not the royal lion but a “Montañes” (highlander), in gratitude for the financial contribution towards her construction made by the people of the mountains. She was launched in Ferrol on 14th May 1794. It is said that she was an extraordinary vessel, whether sailing close to the wind, running free or with a following wind, and that, more than any other ship, she kept her batteries out of the water. She was engaged in a number of battles, including Trafalgar, where she mounted 76 guns and 4 carronades with mortars, located on her quarter deck. On 6th March 1810, in a violent storm, she sank off the Bay of Cadiz.






  3. very nicely done  congrats to a great build  i know the community will enjoy your hard work for generations    such a noble gesture  one to be proud of  it is nice to see her at her home port


    Thanks JP, but nothing noble about my gesture. Like I told the Library Coordinator, I'm not being noble here, I have just always wanted to build a large Victory model, but displaying it would have been an issue for me. But since they have plenty of room and only two miles away, decision was obvious and a bit selfish as well :rolleyes: hahahahahahaha especially since I can visit it any time I want and enjoy watching people checking her out and enjoying themselves as much as I would be.



  4. She looks splendid in her new home Mike.  Congrats on making such a wonderful gesture. BTW, you ain't that old or fat.  :P


    George, this reminds me of something that happened to me a while back. My wife came into the room wearing a dress and asked "Hon, does this dress make me look old or fat?" Well I was busy at the time watching TV. The only thing I heard was "Hon does this dress make me look fat". So I responded "noooooo, that dress doesn't make you look fat at all". So she looked a bit miffed and asked "so you are saying it makes me look old?" Well, I knew I better stop a take a minute and forget about the TV show I was watching because this was about to get interesting. I started thinking of how in the hell am I going to get out of this hole I'm burying myself in. I responded to her that are you kidding? "That dress makes you look beautiful". She smiled and said to me "Nice recovery".



  5. We are at the end of a long journey and the Victory has finally taken to sail and made it to her home port without incident I might add. I made sure and rode in the back of the pickup all the way to the Library, which was only about 2 miles, but nail biting miles they were. I felt every little bump in the road, even though I told my son in law not to drive over 10 miles an hour. But it seems not even what you thought was a smooth road really isn't that smooth when moving something so fragile. They had a few guys from the City come by my house to help load it up and then met us at the library to unload and set her up. The news papers were there and will do a press release. But thankfully there wasn't a lot of fan fair or fuss made about it, I wasn't wanting that and I'm glad the City respected my wishes. Like I told the library Coordinator that my gester wasn't all that noble, I just have always wanted to build a large Victory model, but had no where to display it. So now I can come by and enjoy it any time I want.   


    Here is a few pictures and even one of me, the old fat guy in the yellow shirt.








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