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Everything posted by Piet

  1. Thanks again everyone for the likes and your comments, it's all appreciated. Yeah Nenad, carpenter ants - - and mean also. Fortunately they live outside the house, for all I know. Our house is build with concrete block on a concrete slab with plastic tubing inside the wals where insecticide can be blown in. This is done every six months. However, this does not guarantee no ants or termites can enter. They'll find the minutes cracks, so we check the walls once a year. We do have, what they call them here "ghost ants," they are very small and more of a nuisance then the carpenter ants. They come in through the roof vents. Hello Bluto Jim, good seeing you back in the shipyard. Yes, this scale of 1:80 is rather small and poses several disadvantages and problems. I originally planned on 1:50 but the problem with that scale is where to put it. My next model will be a 1:50 though, my father in law's ship he sailed as captain, the Musi. I am trying to stay as close to scale as possible. The smalles pulley blocks are a real challenge. Even at 4 mm I have made for the cannon tackle come out to 12 inches but in real life that may already be tad too large. For the rest of the rigging I'll try to make them at 3 mm but with only one hole. Hi Ian, it's likewise good to see you here and thanks for your nice words. It's actually not much of an effort though, doing them all together. This way I get into a rhythm and before I know it they are all rigged. Fortunately my fingers are quite thin for a male and still not hurting too much. I need to get the part done before I can move on and make the anchor capstan, which 'll be installed on the same deck. I do have some arthritis in my index fingers but try to slow it down by taking supplements that seem to help a lot. Cheers to all,
  2. Cute little ship Dave, it's nice enough looking as is to serve as the real gift. That'll make the follow-up more for the jaw-dropping surprise. I would like to be present when all this takes place and see his face. I bet that he'll treasure both to remember you and this special occasion. Cheers,
  3. Thanks everyone for your comments and for all the likes, it's much appreciated. Actually these are carpenter ants REALLY! They are all over the place, under my palm trees, inside the palm fronds and these I picked from a dead palmetto bush in the vacant lot next to us. They are as fears as fire ants but much larger and we have to keep tem away from the house! Thanks for the Thanksgiving wishes George, the same to you and everyone reading this. This morning I prepped the port side to coil the gun tackle ropes. Instead of using two-sided carpet tape, which I don't have, I doubled up on some masking tape. The idea is to coil the rope around a dowel on the tape that'll hold it temporarily in place. After one turn around the dowel I can remove the dowel and coil the rest of the rope inside. To keep the coil from unwinding I'll brush nail polish on it to glue it together. It'll be tight against the bulwark but I plan to use fewer turns. Here you see how I plan to make the rope coils. Cheers,
  4. So very happy to hear that Judy is improving. At times our minds see things work but then the unexpected crops up and we experience the "oh cr-p moment" Good recovery! Hope the already cemented and pinned parts will come off unscathed. Cheers,
  5. Gwen and I wish you and Diane a very happy Thanksgiving. Everyone reading this - a happy thanksgiving to you and yours. Cheers,
  6. Beautiful work Ian - - nice to have the equipment too! I'm just wishful thinking. Hope your medical condition will turn out okay. Cheers,
  7. Thanks everyone for visiting, your likes and comments. These things always make my day and looking forward to reading. I was able to mount all the starboard-side gun tackles. It was tedious work, to say the least. I had to reattach a few eye bolts and two pulley block strops but it all worked out okay. There is some touch-up work yet to do and then coiling the tackle ropes on the deck. Next will be turning the dock around and do the starboard side. I spend a few hours at the woodcarving club this afternoon and met another Dutchman, Leo. He used to build ship models for the company he worked for but spends most of his time painting in oils and carving birds. This is where she stands as of this afternoon. All of my worker ants pooped out halfway through the job - - - so I had them keelhauled It's not the prettiest job in te world but it'll suffice. At least it shows how guns were operated in those days. Cheers,
  8. Thanks everybody for your very kind comments and for all the like votes. Forget about the rigging of the guns under the poop deck Remco, it's not visible anyhow through the gun ports. The guns just behind the main mast have been rigged before the upper deck was planked and is visible. Thanks Hans for the input, that's what I figured too. I'll be experimenting with the mix and show the results on a pice of scrap wood, have plenty of that The rigging of the tackle went rather easy Patrick. Now I have to make the coiled ropes and lay them down on the deck. Today, being Sunday here in Palm Coast, Florida, I could spend some quality time in the shipyard. It was rainy and rather chilly outside so - - - no yard work - yippee! I managed to install only the "pull back" gun tackle on the starboard side, four guns. I ran into the expected problem with the gun tackle to the bulwark though. The distance from the bulwark to the eye bolt on the gun carriage is way too short. I have to device some other arrangement that'll look believable yet not the way it was actually done. The plan is to install the eye bolts to the aft end of the carriages, that way I have enough space for the tackle. At last week's gathering of the Colored Pencil Society Chapter I met the husband of one of the artists there who is a wood carver. We got chatting about carving my ship carvings and he asked if I had drawings of the carvings needed for the VOC ship and invited me to their weekly club meeting here in town. I did go last Tuesday and met a whole bunch of very nice and talented carvers. I picked up a lot of good pointers regarding tools and wood. Really very productive. Now I need to find some of those dentist burs MarkT found on eBay. All y'all have a great week and keep out of trouble, especially George Cheers,
  9. Beautiful job Dave and a nice touch with the little flags! You better put a pillow on the floor in front of the doc so his jaw will land on something soft We are looking forward to seeing the presentation pics. Cheers,
  10. Thanks Lawrence for your very kind comments, appreciate it very much and also my thanks to all who clicked the like button. The last few days was slow going in the shipyard. Some much needed yard work to get rid of weeds and vines. But I did manage to finish putting all 8 cannon tackles together. The "splicing" of the rope to the single sheaf pulleys took a lot of time but they look presentable to me. I have tacked the cannons to te deck so they don't roll around on me when I am hooking the tackles on them. It'll be for static display anyhow. The next challenge will be rigging all 8 cannons. The problem I see is with the pull tackle from the cannons to the bulwark, the distance is very short. Here are a few pics of what's done and how it looks as of yesterday. Here are 35 single sheaf pulley blocks with their ropes "spliced" to them. I made a few spares just in case. Hey Hans and Jan - I have put a sample of the green paint I bought in front and center. What do you think? I have sanded it down some and perhaps it could be doctored some. I think it's getting closer. All eight center deck cannons are cemented to the deck with a tiny drop of CA. All the pulley tackle is assembled and ready to be rigged to the cannons. Cheers,
  11. Excellent bit of engineering Patrick! I'm waiting for the launch and water-skis - - - in miniature Cheers,
  12. My prayers go out as well for Judy with all the best wishes. Cheers,
  13. Mighty fine looking deckhouses Nenad! Hey, my helper ants ran away - I really need to put some sugar out Cheers,
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