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Everything posted by Piet

  1. Planking definitely looks super good. I hope for the best for Janet and give her my best. Cheers,
  2. Quite an impressive kit Hans, congrats with it's production! It looks top-notch! Cheers,
  3. Yup, makes perfect sense Patrick, even a dumb Dutch Yankee can understand it Like the metal deck plating. Cheers,
  4. Yes, by all means include the cabin, it seems simple enough and with the door open she can peek inside using a flashlight. Or better yet, add a LED lamp! She's looking great Marcus, nice work. Cheers,
  5. Hey, stuff happens babe but as you said, it won't be visible. I see the two inner holes for the pump tubes are hexagonal, are the tubes hexagonal on the outside with a rond bore? Cheers,
  6. Aw you guys, yuns are too kind about my crappy pulley blocks, but thanks, it's appreciated And also thanks to all who clicked the like button. Yeah Remco, I was also rather surprised and pleased with the result. I need to buy some fresh blacken it suff and see how that works in the future. You know Dave, I keep forgetting to do some more browsing at Michaels for "stuff" I can use like Popeye Dennis. I'll go take a look and see what they have in beading wires, perhaps some thinner brass or as you said black annealed wire. I used what I have on hand. Problem is that Michaels is about 6 miles down the road and the Hobby Lobby is 30 miles south of us in Daytona beach. There is also a hobby store (of sorts) 25 miles north of us in St. Augustine, thus don't go there very often. In the meantime I "spliced" 12 more ropes to the single sheaf pulleys, takes me about 1/2 hour per. 20 more to go then putting them all together and start rigging the guns. Thanks everybody for your comments and input. Cheers,
  7. Looking good Nenad and thanks for sending a few of your working ants over Cheers,
  8. Wow Patrick, looking at the interior layout drawings you have your work cut alright! That'll keep you occupied for a while Cheers,
  9. Looking really very spiffy John. Ready for action catching a few wales I'm against waling but we are now in a different era Cheers,
  10. I understand the process for the portholes Nenad but thought you could have used shoe lace grommets. Copper wire works Cheers,
  11. Thanks Nenad, Chris and Pete for your kind words and everybody for your likes, really appreciate it and for dropping in. Well, the working ants have been busy today. After painting about 8 of the very tiny pulley strops I told myself, "self, this is nuts, you'll be sitting here for hours and in the end Gwen'll have to call the folks in white suits with straight jackets." I decided to give the blackening stuff another try but this time I went straight, no more of the recommended diluted stuff. The painting worked okay but much too time consuming and delicate. So, after about 10 minutes in the blue stuff they started to turn blackish. Another 10 minutes - - no change. I figured they'll get as black as they'll ever be. Rinsed ten off in cold running water and let them dry. After they were dry they looked more like old weathered iron than black, which is not that bad actually. I also managed to "splice" in the hooks in the breeching ropes. Then came the job of "splicing" the pulley tackle lines to te single sheaf pulleys. Got only two done before having to feed my koi fish. It's getting dark here now so early, 17:30 already, but the temps are still in the low 80's F during the day. So, who is complaining Well, here is the result of this day's work. I dyed one spare block with leather dye, looks pretty nice but I decided to leave all the pulleys as they are. Reason being, the pulley blocks under the aft deck are also unstained and blond looking. I figured I should keep them all the same. Yeah, they are not the prettiest blocks but once installed it won't be noticeable. I know, I know - - shame on me but such is life The ones for the rigging will be another story. Cheers,
  12. Nice work on the framing John. I like the way you did the inside corners of the corner posts. I'm still in awe how nice your deck came out. Cheers,
  13. Looks great Nenad! What did you use for the round portholes? Cheers,
  14. Nice choice Marcus! She could easily be converted into a weekender for two people. Are you planning on making a cabin and fitting it out with two bunks? Very good idea with the added blocks to the bulkheads. I'll also be following your build. Cheers,
  15. Hello everyone and thank you all for visiting my shipyard and liking what I'm doing. Been busy with stropping the 64 pulley blocks for the 8 deck cannons. Well, besides that I also had to do some work in the yard and a little goofing off I'm also working on another project that'll be disclosed when I'm good and ready Just to let all yuns know that all 64 pulley blocks are now done and ready for the strips to be blackened. Ten the blocks need to be stained after which I can start ligging them with the ropes. Seems like not much done but these little buggers take a lot of time, especially when you have to undue 32 straps because me dummy put them on the wrong blocks Oh well, just a bunch of hours waisted with some more brass wire. The blackening stuff I have didn't do squat blackening the brass. It did the solder though. I aint going to order and wait for new stuff so I'll be using a paint brush and flat black paint. Wish me luck. Fortunately I have rather steady hands and am used to painting small things. Cheers,
  16. Slowly but surely, one piece at a time - - eventually you'll get tere Jan Don't you love that "priegel werk" ??? Just looking at all those ropes makes me realize what awaits me. Hey, I bought some green paint for my Surabaya model that looks like what you have there. Keep it up Jan, we like to see it finished. Cheers,
  17. Nice touch with the owl, Dave. The ship is really looking great, the doc will be pleased. Cheers,
  18. The lighting really looks great Popeye. You'll manage the little snags, I'm sure. Cheers,
  19. Good seeing you back on te Bismarck Kevin. You got a great build going on her. Cheers,
  20. Ah yes, brings back memories. I too build the Cutty Sark by Revel back in 1958 but unfortunately the cat cot to it and then various moves. I also bought the Thermopylae at at that time, which is still in the box on the shelf. May never get to it though but I'll be visiting your shipyard. Good luck with her, she was a fine ship. Cheers,
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