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Everything posted by Piet

  1. Wow - - - I am slinking away to my cave - - shaking my head. An incredible demonstration of craftsmanship. Cheers,
  2. Hoi Freek, good to see you back and building another fine looking sub! I'll pull up a crate and join you in the boatyard. Cheers,
  3. Hoi Jan, the rigging sure looks daunting and you are puzzled???? What am I going to be/do - - - tear my hair out? It'll all fall in place, of that I'm sure. It's really looking very good. Cheers,
  4. Thanks for the link Dave, I need those for my future carving and then some. You and your family have a great and healthy 2016. Cheers,
  5. We here at the Flying Dutchmen home fully understand what you are going through - experience talks. We too had a very nice visit with our daughter Marianne and Troy our grandson. I could now show my grandson his great grandfather's submarine, the O19. Family is very important and am glad that your children have grown up into mature and responsible adults. Have a very good and healthy 2016 from one proud papa to another proud papa. Cheers,
  6. Beautiful set of sequence pics Patrick. It's now much easier for me to visualize what you are doing. She looks bloody awesome, nice work. You and your family have a very good and healthy 2016. Cheers,
  7. Very nice work Dave, she looks awesome! You and your family have a great 2016 and in good health Cheers,
  8. "Pretty darn happy," and well you should be with such beautiful results. Hey, we all encounter a few minor problems so why should you be different? Very well done mark and you and your dear bride have a great 2016 and in good health. Cheers,
  9. Same to you George, Gwen and I wish you and the family a very good 2016 and in good health. We also wish all of the regular and not so regular visitors to the Surabaya shipyard a very good 2016. Y'all stay in good health. Cheers,
  10. Good seeing you back with the Wapon, she's a very beautiful ship. Has to be, after all it's a Dutch design I may need your help with running rigging details for my Surabaya build. Will drop you a PM whenever. Have a great 2016. Cheers,
  11. Don't apologise for your planking, it looks fantastic on the inside and the outside will be covered anyhow. You and the family have a very good 2016 and in good health. Cheers,
  12. Nice looking boegspriet Sjors - - ummm I mean bowsprit That's all you did over the weekend?? Oh, I'm sorry - you must have been working. I almost forgot that some people have to work for a living or should that be a face. Your Agy sure is looking good. Cheers,
  13. Thank you Nils and all who stopped by and clicked the like button. Well, as expected no time today to do any work. Family wanted to visit a local state park and see a few real old live oak trees. You know - - the kind used on the USS Constitution. Was a very nice day and a great visit. Then some cooking. However, I did get to spend a few minutes on the build. In anticipation of adding a few more belaying boards I removed the two in the quarter deck and also the galley chimney. I also scrutinized the drawings Jan send me and there is a plan forming in my poor old head. Between the Heemskerk, Hoving's pinas, the Valkenisse and the William Rex I think we can rig the Surabaya believable enough for that era. The Surabaya is supposed to be a Middelburg chamber build ship and there is still space available for rigging the top gallants to the hull. I can add two "kruishouten" to the bulwarks in the waist area between the gun openings. There is also space for a "boordknecht"or kevel on the poop deck behind the mizzen mast. The belaying boards I removed from the quarter deck will be replaced with longer ones with a few more pins and still leave enough space for the chimney. It looks like that I'll have add a few single and double sheaf pulleys through the bulwarks and of course several eyebolts. There is also enough space on the chainplates for the topmast backstays. Now all I need is some time to make a layout sketch of where all the rigging lines are supposed to go on my ship. Needles to say I'll show this drawing first to Jan for his thoughts. Alright then, we are moving in the right direction - - - I think Cheers,
  14. Beautifully done Hartmut. Great solution by using the brick-printed paper. Sure saves a lot of time - - mixing clay with straw and firing them in a kiln Remco made some very believable galley fire place bricks though for his King Fisher. Cheers,
  15. Bummer on the markers Popeye Dennis. The water color paint is one idea but so is acrylic. Acrylic is also water soluble and can be made to be opaque when thinned down. Good luck with whatever you'r going to use. Cheers,
  16. Thanks again all y'all for the likes and yes, Sjors that's what makes this community of ship enthusiasts so unique. A lot of knowledge that's freely shared. Thanks again Jan, it's much appreciated. If you ever need help in fixing or rigging your airplane - I'm your man I have even done rigging of a biplane! I really never thought ahead about the rigging much until just now when I realized that perhaps I may have a problem. I received some good info from Jan and need some time to look everything over and think about how I'm going to solve my belaying problem. I never thought about utilizing the mast tops until Jan just now mentioned it. That'll be a real good idea and I'll have to seriously look into that. I'll make a couple sketches of my deck layout and see where all those ropes need to go to. Should have done that to start with but better late then never But even Jan has a few head-scratching situations with his Prins William kit, so I don't feel all too bad We have our daughter Marianne and grandson Troy in the house for a week's visit, so I guess that my shipyard work will take a backseat. But this certainly is a most welcome time for us. Weather is great and the beach is beckoning. Y'all have a very good New Year in good health. Cheers,
  17. Masterful work Hartmut! I also like to know how you made the bricks. Cheers,
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