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Everything posted by Elijah

  1. Those are some very wise words Bill! I had better get started on my homework ! In the morning that is, and maybe after I do some school homework .
  2. I agree with Mark! I'm glad you have gotten it worked out .
  3. Thank you for looking at my build log ! I hope to work on my building board today. Do you know if a ship would be coppered earlier or later in its construction?
  4. Don't worry about it Rainbow. If you are prepared, it will be done well. There is plenty of information on doing many different tasks right here http://modelshipworldforum.com/ship-modeling-articles-and-downloads.php. Remember to make sure you bulkheads are lined up correctly, and any help you may want will most probably be given. Lastly, enjoy your build! I look forward to this developing !
  5. Well said Phill! It is quite the pleasure seeing this build !
  6. I can't say much more than that it is amazing, so here goes. It's amazing !!! Great job! I look forward to seeing more updates!
  7. Very nice! Do you plan on painting it white?
  8. Thank you Mike! I really appreciate the compliments . You are off to a great start as well!
  9. Are your planks glued in? If so, it would be a good idea to remove the pins and sand the hull smooth. Do you plan on double planking the hull? Once you have sanded the hull, it would be a good idea to use wood filler on dents, leaving a smooth foundation for the second planking.
  10. I don't know much about paint storage, but you could probably find something about it in one of the topics. Also, pictures always help people see and understand what you are doing, and can only go to help you. Plus, I'm sure we would all love to see your masts !
  11. Hello again! I guess it is time to consider my mini updates as just the standard update size. I have started my building board and hope to finish it this weekend. Here are a few photos. The construction procedure follows. Marked the lines where hull templates are positioned. Marked angle of splash. I then cut out the keel holder. Next step was to cut an eighth of an inch thick notch into the holder. Did that and drill some holes into the baseboard and into the holder. I used some pegs to set the keel holder in place. Now I wait. Until next time.
  12. This looks interesting! Good luck with airbrushing! (I wish I had an air brush)
  13. I agree with avsjerome2003! Great job! In your absence, I have started my own Phantom and should update my log tonight or in the morning. Are you going to let a patina to develop on your plating?
  14. I wish I had some advice to share, but I don't. Good luck finding those parts!
  15. Hello again! It seems that I am going to have to wait until Saturday afternoon to build a building board. I the meantime I will probably do some small "jobs" around the shipyard. Perhaps I will clean it . Thank you for all the comments and support! Until next time.
  16. WOW ! What an amazing job (as usual)! Everything looks great! I greatly look forward towards your next post!
  17. Like Nenad said, those boats look very nice!
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