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kees de mol

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Everything posted by kees de mol

  1. Very impressive photo with the pieces of equipment you have not yet fixed. I like it how you make your tools yourselve!
  2. The hull with the ribs looks fantastic. Amazing how many details you manage to build in!
  3. Still amazed by this beautifull model. I hadn't look on your topic for a while but I see you're still going strong.
  4. Very impressing metalwork. It inspires me to make more work of my detail-work on my ship! Regards, Kees
  5. Very nice build you show us! The detail is very good. Glad to see I am not the only steel-ship builder.
  6. Nice to see another shipbuilder from the Netherlands. I will follow your build and hope there wont be any problems again. Regards, Kees
  7. Hello Popeye, It is possible to use a heatsource to bent the plastig but then you need to make a mould. Otherwise the corners would not have the same radius at all places. And in real life it will never bent like you want it to bent so you need to sand and putty any way. I made a lot off wheelhouses with round corners and I found this way the best way to do it. Today I sanded the corners and they are nice and smooth now. Pictures will follow. Regards, Kees
  8. The last few days I worked on the upperstructure of the ship and the bridge. I used only polystyrene and glue. I am using lesser CA-glue these day but use super thin ps-glue. It glues fast and strong but you have the possibility to position the pieces you want to glue. Pictures say more than words.
  9. Hello everyone, I managed to do some work on the KW49 Antje and I came some further with her. What was in the begining just a piece of raw plastic is now becoming more and more a ship. I really like working on here. I need to figure out a lot of things every time I have to build something, but its fun. All the half round is added, the hole for the anchor is made. I adde al the visible ribs to the deck and I made the front deck and under it some hatches and a winch. Now I started working on the upper structure and the bridge. Regards, Kees
  10. All those frame so beautifully lined. Looking good
  11. Thanks for the support guys. I forgot how fun and rewarding it is to actually build something yourself but the feeling is back again.
  12. Due to some healthproblems I haven't let hear something last weeks.(sorry Iam not a very healthy person) In the meantime there is some progression in my shipyard so here are some pictures. The hull is cut out of the surrounding plastic The beginning of what will be under the front of the ship. You will see it hardly when the ship is finished but I rather make to much then to little and regret it afterwards. And I made a beginning with the halfround. I tried to immitate the strakes (?) by taping them on the hull and then I sprayed filler over it and removed the tape. Whats left are some subtile strakes. Just ennough for the effect.
  13. Nice build with that solid hull. It must have been a lot of work to carve it out. Looking forward to your next update. Regards, Kees
  14. Thats really small. Are you going to make a diorama or something? Now I go back to my giant 1/75 trawler. Regards, Kees
  15. Hello Piet. If you are worried about your spelling!? How do you think I feel My English spelling must be a true nightmare, but so what? I try to improve my spelling every day but for now I do it with the words I know. Regards, Kees
  16. Your planking looks very good to me. I wouldnt know how to do that.
  17. I am full of surprises A solid hull gave some problems because the ship has a bulwark. So I had to hollow it out or I would have to saw a big peace out and replace it with aluminium bulwarks. The vacuumforming gave me some work but I can go on now much easier and I can make more hulls in the future if someone else wants a ship like this. Regards, Kees
  18. Hello Nils, Thanks. I used 2 patio-heaters for heating the styreen.Like these things http://www.vandergun-zonwering.nl/voor-buiten/terrasoverkapping/terrasverwarmers-somfy.html and I used 1 mm styreen. Earlier I used 2mm but that dint want to soften enough. The hull is almost 60cm long but you can use this for smaller objects offcourse. Regards, Kees
  19. I've come a little further with the hull of the Antje. A solid hull, thats not wat I needed because the ship offcourse is hollow. To make a hollow hull I decided to go for vacuumforming. On the internet I searched for info and I made a vacuummachine. It didn't work in one try. The first time my vacuumboc imploded, the second time the styreen sheet came out of the frame but the tird try worked out well. I got a nicely shaped hollow hull. It is a little thin but I can solve that by gluing rinforcements on the inside or lay up some glasfibre. But the most important thing is, that I can go on now with the build! YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYttdMcivDc
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