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Everything posted by GuntherMT

  1. Brass strip. Brass tubing. Brass round stock. Solder. Make little hinges.
  2. Yep, I used Chuck's carriages on my AVS, but then I painted them red and covered up the pretty wood.
  3. I just sanded down my waterways by hand. It's not like you will be able to tell if it's a perfect 45 degree angle as long as it fits properly and looks 'right' to the eye. If you were Frank you could build a jig and put it in the mill. Actually a 'jig' of sorts for this would be pretty simple, just a board with a 'v' cut into it that you could put your strips to hold them while you sanded them down, but honestly I'd just do it by hand, and if it didn't come out to my liking, then I might look into holding it in a jig of some sort while sanding it.
  4. I hope so too, but if I were you I would not suggest holding your breath in anticipation.
  5. I could be wrong about this, but I seem to remember that there was nothing in the plans or instructions about there being a lashing at all, they just used the iron bands at the heel and the end of the bowsprit. Having said that, I added lashing because I liked how it looked. So this is probably not right, but it's how I did mine.
  6. She's looking really great Frank. Crisp lines on that paint job, and the quarter round for the red stripe worked great.
  7. Yea Dave, go for the cannons. I have no intention of turning or casting any cannons for my foreseeable projects, so I expect I'll have to make do with whatever the closest things I can find are, just like this!
  8. Congratulations on completing your first build, and a job well done. Certainly you can be proud to display that!
  9. Are you planning to 'split' the rings that support the outer bowsprit? I don't see them in the photo and at least one needs to be placed much further down the bowsprit past where you've attached a bunch of lines. I'll wait here and see what you do!
  10. The plans are 34" at 1/60 scale. If my math is right, that would make it 42.5" at 1/48 scale and 63.75" at 1/32.
  11. Unless you are headed to Death Valley, I'm pretty sure anyplace you go will be cooler! Have a good and safe trip Frank!
  12. Next weekend or today? I've got strep throat so I am not going anywhere this weekend while the penicillin does it's thing.
  13. Bummed I won't be able to get over and see her on Saturday. Excellent progress and instructional posts with photo's as always.
  14. Nice work Vann, and the end result is great even if it was by accident! Thanks for posting, good to see another one of these little canoes. Some day I need to go back and strip the resin and finish mine.
  15. Not in Australia so I imagine the shipping would be painful, but Gilmer Wood Company is your huckleberry for long bits of ebony. Edit, oops forgot the link - https://www.gilmerwood.com/search/results?utf8=✓&q=Ebony
  16. Rich, I thought you were planning to use scale-length planks on the 2nd layer?
  17. Great work Chuck, and congratulations on finishing! Someday I'll get back to mine.
  18. It was great seeing the Kathryn in person today (as well as you lovely wife). Thanks for hosting again, and look forward to more of your fine work on this model.
  19. Beautiful Frank. Glad to hear that your wife is doing well.
  20. Great work Greg, thanks for allowing us to tag along on your journey!
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