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Everything posted by GuntherMT

  1. Based on that airplane you certainly have the patience and skills for this hobby, welcome aboard!
  2. Fill your backyard with epoxy all done up like ocean waves, place the Bismark near one edge and put another 1/200 model of the HMS Hood on the far side of the yard. 🤣
  3. Go into your signature - highlight the entire thing and hit "Ctrl-C" to copy it. PM it to me or email it to me, I'll see if I can fix it and send it back for you to copy-paste over your current one.
  4. I secured the end of my serving with the simple expedient of a needle pulling the thread through the rope where I wanted the serving to start, and then tying a simple knot. Diluted white glue was used as well over it.
  5. Nice work on the boat continues.. Just FYI your new line in your signature isn't a "link" to the build log like your other signatures are. You need to use the little link tool (chain icon) to link it to the log while editing the signature.
  6. From the main forums index screen. Top right of the screen, click on your name. Select "Account Settings" Scroll down a little bit, there is 'box' on the left side with about 8 items. The last item on the list is Signature. Click it. The right text-box will now show your current signature. Just edit it however you want and when done, click the Save button.
  7. Just edit your signature in your profile. You can make it whatever you want, put them side by side, whatever.
  8. Can you not just tighten the lanyards if you are unhappy with them? I know if I was unhappy with something like that it would bug me forever if I didn't change it.. but then maybe I'm a weirdo!
  9. Making nice steady progress Rich, nice to see it coming together.
  10. Acetone is nasty and toxic stuff. I have it, but only use it when absolutely necessary, which is definitely not the case with PVA glues. Water or alcohol should handle most PVA. Note that I've never used Titebond III which is waterproof, so I'm not sure if alcohol will work on it or not.
  11. Add water. I use distilled water since my local groundwater is extremely hard, but it would probably be fine.
  12. Welcome to MSW from slightly farther North in Arizona!
  13. Some great display ideas there. On figures, I know that Shapeways has a bunch of 1/48 stuff available but I haven't found any figures there that were specifically sailors from this time period. However, Amati has 6 different sailor figures in 35mm, which works out to between 5'5" and 5'6" in 1/48 scale, which isn't too far off from the average height back in those days. Ships of Scale carries these figures and I ordered 1 of each just a couple of days ago to see how they look and use them for scale on my 1/48 models, you might give them a look!
  14. Yet another amazing update. Incredible work in an amazingly short period of time.
  15. Looking good Rich. The ladder to the cabin looks nicely to scale, I see too many ladders that are way too 'thick' looking.
  16. No idea on English boxwood, but if you could live with Castello boxwood as a substitute there is usually at least a moderate selection at Gilmore Wood. https://www.gilmerwood.com/categories/38-boards-and-blanks/products?utf8=✓&filter=Boxwood&category=
  17. Looks like a quite good looking Syren to me! Welcome to MSW.
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