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Posts posted by Canute

  1. frolick and Wayne, both sayings were and are true. It is how we react after that first contact that decides who wins or loses. Always have a Plan B and a Plan C and...


    Just look at WW II in Europe with, as I think it was Churchill, calls the Battle of the Beams between the RAF and Luftwaffe with the radar/night fighter/night bombing battle. Or in the Pacific, Japanese night optics versus Allied shipborne radar.

  2. They've been in use in model railroading for several years, automating track control and signaling. We used it to automate a display layout in one of our local museums. It started the train by blowing the whistle twice, ringing the bell and moving out. Did one lap around the room, doing appropriate whistle calls as required by railroad operating rules. I think the scripts these run are written in C++. And we've also used an arduino board.

  3. I would put the filler on the bare wood, sand it to your degree of smooth, recheck the filler, then prime the surface. A light sanding with fine grit paper or very fine steel wool and you should be good for your paint.

    Your primer color should be white or light gray if you plan on painting yellows. These colors are more translucent and you'd need more coats of paint to get the color right. Not good with some acrylics, especially if you're brush painting.

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