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Everything posted by Canute

  1. Nice joinery, Jack. I'm following along and taking copious notes. Thanks for sharing.
  2. Grant, glad you feel up to the work, but be careful around power tools. One of my buds has had back issues for years and the drug he's on now makes him kind of loopy for a while after taking them. He can't drive for a while. He's an outstanding craftsman and his work on his model railroad has dropped off due to the pain meds. Really glad Mobbsie and you have worked up some fixes. Looking forward to seeing them.
  3. Testor's Model Master paints carry Engine Black and Grimy Black, in enamel and acrylic. Vallejo acrylic shows theirs as 70.924 #94 Russian Uniform WW2. Good to see the Badger equivalent colors. Thanks, Kurt.
  4. Marc, there are some card models of blockade runners. Check out: ecardmodels.com. There is a web site for Ironclads and Blockade Runners at: http://users.wowway.com/~jenkins/ironclads/ironclad.htm Maryland Silver Company has some plans, although not much for runners: http://www.marylandsilver.com/Ship.htm
  5. Dee Dee, just started reading your log. Well done! Several techniques of yours will find their way into my "bag o' tricks". I'll continue to follow your build, too. p.s. Your avatar looks like one of my resident mouse-banes, name of Socks.
  6. I read on Augie's current thread where he used shrink wrap on his elm pumps as the iron strapping. Looks good.
  7. Matt, thanks. I dithered over doing just that, worrying over the plank lengths. My muddled noggin over the holidays didn't help. Cathead, thank you; that's my plan right now. I'm in the midst of staining the planks right now. I have some 1/32" stock to do the job. And I'm waxing down my mold boards for the cherry frames. Yeehah!
  8. Tuff, love the barrels. Well done! A question: would real thin plastic strip work for hoops?
  9. Cap'n Steve, we may have to report you to the Admiralty for coffee abuse (almost as big a sin in these parts as alcohol abuse). Leaving it under yer bed?? 3 weeks, eh? I hope you used instant, since it's not considered real coffee anyway. Seriously, I've got coffee and I don't know how many teas the Admiral has stashed in the Purser's Store Room. Some might work better than others. I'm guessing the black teas and pekoes should work better than the herbal stuff. It's that engineer in me coming out again. Third Engine Wiper
  10. Been busy working on non-ship stuff. I'm the membership guy for an organization I'm in and January is very hectic doing renewals and compiling a couple of reports. It's my first time doing this, so I'm proceeding with all due diligence. I'm itching to get back to more fun (?) stuff. I'm sanding down the transom to remove the laser label and make it look like it's built up with separate boards.
  11. Brian, excellent work! You might look for "yello-glo" leds. Model RR folks use them for old kerosene burning headlights. Not sure if they come in that size, yet.
  12. Mobbsie, you adapted and overcame the "issues". Well done. Oopsies are a learning situation. I like your rubber band trick to hold the frames.
  13. Rob, Nice crisp shots. And I second using a tripod.
  14. Like Eamon said, too. Follow the doctor's orders and don't shirk the PT, once you can do some.
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