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Everything posted by Canute

  1. brushing the varnish leaves an uneven coat, compared to more complete airbrush spray. Painting a second coat should fix it right up. Good luck with the water testing, OC.
  2. That side looks very good, Yves. This was state of the art for the 60-70s. Lasers were just entering the workplace back then. Hospitals and the military were early users. We needed smaller, faster computers to effectively control laser cutters. If you can draw up something in STL format, a laser cutter can use it to cut your patterns.
  3. There are vendors selling Floquil paint. Google is your assistant for them. Although I suspect the Marine colors are even more scarce than the railroad colors. You could also look at Tru Color Paint, an acetone based paint. It has some marine colors at: https://trucolorpaint.com/military-ships/ They're mostly for airbrush, but they do make brushable formulations.
  4. All too true, OC. At one time I had 39 first cousins; now I have 18 and a few of them I'm not too sure about. Travel for many of them is a thing of the past. C'est la vie.
  5. Progressing nicely, Yves. 👍 Back in the day, the Rio Grande plow trains could get up to 7 cars with 2 extra water cars, a cook's car and a couple of bunk cars for the crews.
  6. Hop back into the "game", OC. Your brush painting skills are some of the best I've seen.
  7. They must be related to the Coca Cola bears. They're trotted out every year around Christmas.
  8. Yves, very nice work. Your build is proceeding nicely. I have an HO one and will be using this as a build guide. One question; did you spring the trucks? Kind of dark in the photos, so I couldn't tell.
  9. Very interesting experiments in NMF aircraft. I'm in.
  10. Another option is Mt Albert Scale Lumber on the Fast Tracks webite, here at: https://handlaidtrack.com/shop/?v=7516fd43adaa&wpf_filter_cat_list_0=2902
  11. Tamiya makes good primers in rattle cans/spray bombs. I believe they're lacquer based. Tamiya have figured out how to make good spray nozzles. I'd use the Fine gray primer under both yellow and red. As a heads up, they make 2 different grays. A gray and a fine gray. The fine will show blemishes, the plain gray is more of a filling primer. Choose accordingly.
  12. She's a beautiful beast, Rob. Your finish is spectacular. Superb! 👍
  13. Hmm, Russian C rats on the bottom, ice cream on top? 😁 The snow and ice look really good, Craig. I can remember winters in various places I've been with gear looking like that.
  14. Nicely done, Glen. 👍 I really liked your blending of a historical event and some barnyard animals.
  15. Good looking instrument panel, Chris. As to the front of the seat, I'll buy your logic.The F-4 had an indent on the front of the seat kit, which was what we sat on. In front of that was the lower ejection handle. The top of the stick was higher, like yours is, so there wasn't any interference. The lower handle was the one of choice, but for takeoffs, the upper was easier to yank on, since the stick was in the way for the lower. Confused yet? We got a lot of practice in the sims and with the ejection seat trainer.😄
  16. Yves, very nice progress. That yellow resin casting may have been done with Alumilite, which cures to that yellow shade. It has a distinct odor. Cast in hand held molds. You can buy kits to make your own parts using your home brew molds. I'm with EG. They were painted to preserve the parts. But some wise man said, it's your railroad. 😁
  17. They're like Special Airframes now with multi sources of styrene, resin and PE..👍
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