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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. Bummer, Paul! Storage space on the forum isn't a problem, so we'll just mark it 'terminated' and hope the next project fares better. Chin up!
  2. I have a Mk. I and a Mk. V both buried in my card model stash. Of course, I have a lot of other kits buried there, too, so no telling when I will ever get to any of them. 😋
  3. Further to my observation about my hometown's rodeo, here's some images from this year's follow-up event, the "Hit 'n' Miss Engine" show.
  4. I think one can easily see the family resemblance between the P2Y and the Catalina.
  5. Parts are sprayed with matte clear acrylic before construction. Finished models are kept out of direct sunlight to avoid fading. None of my models have fallen apart yet, and the oldest are going on two decades old. I'll get back to you if they start disintegrating at some point. 😉
  6. Spanish Nationalist now has her landing gear. No skid yet -- they tend to break off easily, so that will be one of the last bits.
  7. The kits are not widely known in the modeling world, but the owner is a member here (username: *Hans*), as is one of the guys that works for the US distributor, Clare Hess (username: catopower). You might try directing some questions to them. Cheers!
  8. No one needs to apologize for their results. We don't hand out 'pass' or 'fail' marks! I, for one, always tip my hat to scratch-builders, especially if they have pulled off a difficult first project. Cheers!
  9. Antique tractors and engines are still a big deal in the more rural, agrarian parts of the U.S. The town I grew up in has an annual rodeo, and antique tractors are featured every year.
  10. There's a Hobby Lobby just a few minutes from my house, so I'll have to look out for it next time I'm there. One of the reasons I like pre-WWII aircraft is that they typically have windscreens rather than enclosed cockpits; it minimizes the paper-to-plastic hassle. Cop-out? Maybe -- I also happen to really like that time period. 😋 EDIT: Just glanced over at my display case -- every airplane in it had a first flight before 1 Sep 1939.
  11. I am always on the lookout for the 'perfect' card modeling glue -- haven't found it yet. I use a lot of good ol' wood glue. The stuff in the tube is contact cement, which is good for large surfaces. The clear Tacky Glue is a recent addition; it sets slower than wood glue and dries clear, but I don't find that it bonds as well as wood glue. One thing that I suck at is making canopies, and a big part of the problem is finding a glue that will bond paper to acetate without fogging the plastic. I had hoped that the clear Tacky Glue would do this task well, but it doesn't -- you can tack the paper and plastic together, but they will easily peel apart. The search continues!
  12. Great work so far! I note that in your upside-down photos, the hull displays right-side up, so it all evens out. Cheers!
  13. Your experiment turned out quite nice!
  14. How can a gun barrel not be included in a kit? Seems like kind of an important part for any warship model. 🤔
  15. Thanks, Paul. Just wanted to make sure that folks knew this up front.
  16. I assume that any prospective builder will need to purchase the practicum separately?
  17. Sad epilogue ... I recently discovered that this kit is not new -- it is a repaint of a kit first published in 2005. Only the livery is new; the design and diagrams are the same. I actually knew that the 2005 kit was not a good one, but I didn't know that this version was a repaint. Had I known this, of course, I wouldn't have bought this kit. Now I'll just have to wait until Halinski or Kartonowa Kolekcja produce a P-36 kit.
  18. I honed my early skills on some trout models that used to be available for free on a Japanese site. Very nice models and pretty realistic-looking. Sadly, I don't think the site is up anymore.
  19. Unlike wooden ship models in their large boxes, card models do sorta lend themselves to hoarding, um, I mean "collecting."
  20. From time to time I feel it necessary to prove that this build isn't dead. Slow, but not dead. Spanish Nationalist now has its wing mounted. Try as I might, I can't make myself sit and do all the struts at one go -- it's deathly boring. So it's a few here, a few there ... it'll be done eventually. Got all the exhaust pipes done, too, so yeah -- progress. 😆 And I just now noticed that not a single exhaust pipe is visible in the photo. 🤔
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