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Everything posted by WackoWolf

  1. How high is she going to stand? She is sure as heck going to high. (Heck higher than me LOL)
  2. Outstanding work. Keep the pictures coming.
  3. Nigel, I am guessing they are like Harbor Freight here in the US. I will check them out the next time I stop in there. I will also give Micro Mark a look to see what they have, even though I know you can get it somewhere else cheaper. Heck I can stop at Hobby Lobby also. Now I just have to remember to stop there LOL.
  4. NMBROOK, Which station do you have? Could you post some pictures of it. Thanks
  5. From past experience I have to agree with Andy 100%. It doesn't work. Try using epoxy or CA, I don't care for the CA but there are times you have no choice (even though there is always a plan .
  6. All I can say is Excellent work. You eye to the detail is outstanding. Keep the pictures coming.
  7. Yes. Please start a build log for you ship. The detail that you are doing is Excellent. Will be waiting for you to start a log.
  8. Nirvana, Please let us know what you find out from MM. I also have there pad and will be waiting to hear back from you about this matter. Thanks
  9. Dam, that is going to be one big monster. Are you build another shop to put her in.
  10. I am still in the process of getting the new workshop in working order and getting use to where this and that is. Never knew I had this much stuff. Oh well more room means more stuff LOL.
  11. The spot will be waiting. Thank you very much for the pictures and the input. Maybe someday down the line I will try and make one, or get real lucky and fine one for sale at a yard sale that doesn't need to much work done on it. Thanks again
  12. Dam, now that is talent. Does he ever go out. That much work, never goes out to play. Thank you for the link, That is out of this world. Andy needs to see this.
  13. Bob, The tall one has 23 draws in it. LOL I would be more than lost with that.
  14. The one with the mirrors I could put in my bedroom. Not sure what the Wife would say to me in Chinese, but I think it would have something to do with not liken it, but then I again I don't know what she is saying, so that would be how I can get away with it. LOL. Thank god she never seen any of the packing slip in the boxes (hmm maybe because she isn't here yet LMAO)
  15. The answer to your question is yes. But on the new set of pictures, I am also in love with the first tall tool box. Never seen one like that. That I think would be perfect for all our mid size tools. I could also put all the end mills and cutters in there. Dam that is nice. I got a spot all set for it. When do you think you can send it LOL. Really nice. Thank you
  16. Gaetan, I still have pictures #2, from when you posted it in your log way back when. That is the one I love the most out of all I have seen of this type of tool box. Can you put me in your will for that Please. Sorry I just had to say that, I really do love that box. Thank you and no disrespect intended. Joe
  17. Your English is right on. I understood it perfect. Thank you very much for doing this. Your work is top of the line.
  18. That tool box I really like always wanted something like that. Now that is old school, but for the tools that we use it is perfect. Could you show more pictures please.
  19. Outstanding detail work. How long did it take you to do all of the pin holes? Keep the pictures coming.Always waiting to see an update of your work.
  20. Bob, That is an excellent way of making the strips, you don't waste any wood like if you did it a a table saw, and I don't see any problems with using other woods. You might have to cut more that one time but it should still work. just take your time when cutting harder woods. Taking time seems to be a down fall for a lot of us.Also a lot of us don't have that much time. So many sip and so little time is the problem. Thank you for the tip.
  21. Looking good. I hate doing hawse frames, always takes me more then one try to get it right, but this way I have scrap wood for smaller stuff. Excellent work. Keep the pictures coming.
  22. Your metal work is outstanding, and the detail sets things to a new high. I would like to see more as to how you made the extra detail as you go along. This is up to you, I don't want you to take away time from your build. Please keep the pictures and the post coming.
  23. Now I understand, never though about the ammonia. there are people here that use the ammonia in water as there way for bending. Thanks Augie
  24. Do understand that even though I said what I said in the post above, I am an owner of a Sherline CNC Mill and Lathe and will stand by that company all the way. I just like Proxxon better than Micro Mark. I have 3 or 4 tools by Proxxon and they are good. But for a Mill I have to go with Sherline any day. This is my option only, everyone has there likes and dislikes about anything and that is there choice.
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