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Everything posted by WackoWolf

  1. Let us know how you make out with "Scaledecks" and what the material is that they use, also a price if you don't mind. "Mighty Mo" was not the nick name of the New Jersey.
  2. The windows came out Excellent, keep up the good work. Keep the pictures coming.
  3. Michael, I would have told you who ME was but I though you were making a joke when you ask. Sorry
  4. Beautiful detail work. Very nice and clean. You have done an excellent job with the detail. Keep the pictures coming.
  5. Nice tip, not hard to make. I am sure that they can be use for a lot of different things beside holding planks together. thank you for the tip.
  6. Glad you started back up. She is looking very nice. Keep the post and pictures coming.
  7. I go every couple of years to the Constitution, and believe me you will always see something that you didn't notice before. If you come up this way again, try and go to "Battleship Cove" it is more down my way somewhat of a drive, but I do think you would enjoy it very much. Keep the pictures coming.
  8. They are excellent. You have done one heck of a nice job on them. Keep the pictures coming.
  9. A washer, now that brings back memories. When I was a young kid my Father was making some fancy shelf's and stuff for my Mother to put her things on in the family room, he made it to go up and around the big window. The thing is that he use a sugar cup cover, he cut everything with a "Jig Saw" (hand held scroll saw) and when I saw the washer I though of that right away. People will be surprise at the things that we see all the time and what they can be use for besides what they were made for. She is looking Beautiful Danny. Keep the pictures coming.
  10. She is looking good John, a little at a time will get you a long ways to being done. And the it starts all over again LOL.
  11. Nice idea. Something to think about. I also have bought when they were on sale for ME extra sets of pin vises and like Mark I got the box with the tubes with the bits. I also buy my bits from "Drillbitcity" in sets.
  12. Very nice. I am impress,excellent work. Keep the pictures coming.
  13. I will try. Going to need a day or two to get back to you. I know how to do it, but trying to explain it is the hard part for me. You have to understand I have a friend that helps me and I record everything all the time, this way when I get stuck I go back and watch the video and see what I forgot to do (I am always forgetting).
  14. On every frame that I do, I use a plane to the right and then another on the top. I also make sure I use 3 of the plane I already have for the hull shape ( I got 5 of them ) so that all the chucks line up the same. You will need to use planes all the time.
  15. Nice idea. Please star a log so that we can see the ship being done from the beginning to the end and then see it in the case. Thanks
  16. Very nice work. She is going to look Beautiful when finished. Keep the Pictures coming, your doing an excellent job.
  17. Yes "Karl" build is one of the best. I have all the pictures of that build up to date. I had started saving them since MSW1 so I have the ones from back then. But he does have a tread going that you can see from the beginning and he also has it going on another web site. Should check his tread out, it may be the one you seen before.
  18. And since it's not made in the USA where else can you get it but from China. If it was made in the US we would more than likely get it from the US then.
  19. I got the PM and sent you back one. Please someone else post one. I got lucky and I am sorry I haven't been able to keep this going, So yes someone jump in and take over Please. Thank you
  20. I think it might be the Echo build. Or the one that Rusty is doing. I am sure someone will come up with the answer he is looking for.
  21. By taking your time and thinking about it you have done a excellent job in my option. Lovely work. Please keep us posted and also keep the pictures coming.
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