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Everything posted by WackoWolf

  1. I also use AutoCAD but then I import the files into Soildworks.
  2. Chuck, Please use lower case when typing. Upper Case and people think you are yelling. Have you done a search for others that are building the same ship. there are a couple of them, I am sure someone can help you with your question. Do a search for the fair American and you will find the logs and then you can ask the builder. Welcome to MSW.
  3. Kevin, She is looking Beautiful. taking you time and finding the parts you drop is paying of big time. Just take your time. Sorry to hear that there are no clubs in your area, I am also in that boat but I join a club in another state, about a hour and a half drive but a wonderful club. Wish you the best. Keep the pictures coming.
  4. I made a mistake with a drill press that was brand new at the time. I got done drilling and had to take the model out from under the drill press and the nut holding in the press let go and the dam thing crash, makeing a mess. Take you time and please make sure evrything is tight. Best of luck. To me because of what happe that is a scareel way to do it, but what works for you doesn't mean it will work for me.
  5. I agree with Brian, very nice work indee. Keep the pictures coming.
  6. I like the stand. Have you figure out what stain your going to use on it?
  7. Now that looks to be a heck of a model, you got you work set out for you. Please do start a log.
  8. Beautiful work. She is looking better and better all the time. Keep the pictures coming.
  9. No matter how many you got started, you can always go back to one and do some and then go to the next and do some more. When you get bored with one go to another. Sooner or later you will finished one and then move on to the next. There are a lot of us that do this, it is also call getting OLD.
  10. That is some beautiful work. Thank you explaining about how you went about doing all of it. Keep the pictures coming.
  11. I am not sure if it is to far forward, I think Russ would be the one that can anser this question. But the wood work you are doing is excellent. Keep the pictures coming. Do you have any plans to go by for measurments?
  12. This just keeps getting better and better. Thanks for posting the pictures and Please keep them coming.
  13. You have show like others that by takeing your time and always checking before glueing pays off. You detail work is outstanding. Keep the post and pictures coming, I am always watching.
  14. I know "Woodcraft" sells a tint of different colors for wood puddy, maybe that could also be use. You would need to look at the soecs of it to find more detail about the stuff.
  15. The link that BareHook posted has other stuff in there that can be of help like Blacking Brass. Very good link. Thank you
  16. Nice work. Have you done anything using "SoildWorks".
  17. That came out very nice, excellent work. Keep the post and pictures. I am really enjoying this.
  18. That is looking very nice. Excellent work. Keep the pictures coming.
  19. Gary, You Gaetan, Karl and Remco are always an inspiration for me and not to forget Ed. Your work as well as theres is always what I think everyone here would like to be able to do. You have seem to always show what can be done if one puts his or her mind to it. I Thank you for the log which I have been following since MSW1. Keep the log and the pictures coming. Thank you.
  20. Now that is some Excellent work. When you get back to your home it would be really nice to see more of your work if you have the time to start some sort of log. You do Excellent work, I would love to see more.
  21. Nice. That you for talking the time to show this to us. I am sure someone will give it a try.
  22. Greg, Excellent work. I remember seeing her in CT last April. You only have room for one more on the shelf LOL. There is always room somewhere LOL.
  23. Nigel, Have you try turning the speed down and moving the travel speed up? Give it a try on some scrap, high speeds are not always the answer. Sometime you have to lower one and move up the other.
  24. Sherry, Your carving is Beautiful. IMOP the worst thing anyone could do is to paint, with work like this why would anyone want to hide it I agree with the others use a stain. Like I said that is Beautiful work. Can you tell us more as to how you did it, which tools and so forth.
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