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Greg the peg leg sailor

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Everything posted by Greg the peg leg sailor

  1. I'm with Patrick! The admiral knows better! It's safer that way mate. Greg
  2. Stand aside YODA. There's a new master on board.havagooday my mate Greg
  3. It's just superb Mark! Love the colours variations and on the last picture i can see where you were talking about 'needing sanding and gap filler'. After sanding it's just like a "bought one". Havagooday Greg
  4. Can't wait to see that Patrick. That will be a challenge for me, but a walk in the park for you! Havagooday Greg
  5. G'day Denis Been off air for a few days, my dad is in hospital again so tjis is my first time I can havalook. Looking good my friend. Havagooday Greg
  6. G'day Alexandru Your definition of small is different to mine! The amount of first class work you have done is huge, if a photo says a 1000 words, I've just seen an incredible novel. Havagooday my friend Greg
  7. G'day Mark I think I might need new glasses! I can't see anywhere you will need any filler! Great job and congratulations on this mild stone. My feet are dancing for you over here in Oz. All the best mate. Havagooday Greg
  8. G'day Dimitris You are so humble, as Patrick said, your model building is a TALENT, and you should be proud of it. As you said patients is a must, but for some, me included, it's not enough. Havagooday my friend Greg
  9. G'day Patrick If you said it "rough", I believe you. But knowing your standard, it will be top notch very soon. Havagooday my friend Greg
  10. I know what you mean. I use these generic terms all the time! Like Esky when I want a cooler and hover when talking about carper vacuum. Lol Greg
  11. G'day Dimitris Your top photo of the front end looking to the stern, it looks like there are only one mask! Dead straight both vertical and horizontal. Amazing effort to get them that alined. Havagooday my friend Greg
  12. G'day Dimitris Is that all you have to do my friend? You should be on your RC in no time.
  13. G'day Denis You're going great guns there mate. What size architrave are you doing? Looks bloody small and fiddlyhavagooday Greg
  14. Marsalv Ditto from me as well. Now I have a new adjectives to use: your standard of work is so MARSALVous, that everyone has to aspire too. Greg
  15. G'day Denis That's a novel approach, can't wait to see if it works! Goodluckmymattie. Greg
  16. Remco You made it look too easy! Well done mate Havagooday Greg
  17. G'day Alexandru There is one common and absolutely correct post by others in this log: your work is outstanding! Havagooday Greg
  18. If my memory serves me right Dimitris, I think it took you a complete summer just do do one lifeboat, not twelve.
  19. G'day Patrick Got one word. DUSNUS! I think only the poeple in Australia who have watch the promos for MKR for next year would get it. So for the rest mate: brilliant! Haveagreatone Greg
  20. All I can say mate, you are doing bloody amazzzzzzzzing work. My mind is numb j ust by looking at the details. Havagooday Greg
  21. Amazing details Toni. I can't think of other words That do you justice. Greg
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