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About KeithAug

  • Birthday 05/27/1953

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  • Location
    Sussex, England.
  • Interests
    Sailing, Naval History, Model Ship Building, Model Steam Engine Building. Maisie walking - she is top left.

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  1. As ever, beautifully detailed work given the scale Roel.
  2. Good to see we are approaching the wood cutting stage. This seems to be quite challenging but I'm sure you will pull it off.
  3. George - Nice progress on Discovery and thank you for the insights into Cunard. Not as good as it once was seems to be the conclusion.
  4. Nice work on all those hull penetrations Phil. It's very nice when the junk box gives up its treasures, somehow it makes all the years of hoarding worthwhile.
  5. Magnificent Valeriy. Happy new year, I hope 2025 brings happier times.
  6. Phil, Keith, John - thank you for the feedback. One day I will have to learn to do it properly by carving.
  7. Keith - It seemed to be much enjoyed by both the Bean and her aunty "Stinkey" (my daughter). They played happily for hours.
  8. I have to agree with Keith that she in now looking pretty damn good John.
  9. More than one way to skin a cat. I usually follow the thin lamination method and your method had never crossed my mind but I will log it for possible future use. Thank you.
  10. Still catching up the post with work completed pre Christmas. I finished the various bits of decoration. I put on a second coat of metal paint and left it for a couple of days before overpainting with Vallejo gold paint. The under-paint turned out to be still a bit soft when I applied the gold which fortuitously produced a textured finish which I felt was better than a smooth finish. The decoration was quite flimsy and this allowed it to be easily contoured to the hull. I held the decoration against the hull with an elastic band and a plank and then dripped CA glue into space around the decoration to permanently attach it.
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