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Everything posted by amateur

  1. Their latest news dates back from 2011. Don't think anything will come from there.... Jan
  2. These ships I Always think 'white star' Beautiful ship, btw. Jan
  3. Thanks! Sounds reasonable. It was the size and even more, the model if the beam that made me wonder. Jan
  4. That massive beam you milled, would that have been one piece in the original, or three parts bolted together? Jan
  5. Ah, I understand. Mine is from 1956, no high ceilings, nor any spacious spare bedrooms..... Even watering and fertilizers didn't help to grow it any bigger Jan
  6. She's an American clipper
  7. I often come across teh term 'dry brush'. Can you elaborate a little bit? Jan
  8. Hi Cees, Are you using the Emke-drawings? And: just for info: how long is the model? Jan
  9. And he claims he can store a couple of the in his hallway upstairs.... Just wondering in what type of house he lives. My next build has to be a 1:200 scale, as my storage is virually nil..... Jan
  10. Aaaahhh, thats were my money ends up Doesn't happen often, but that is tax-money well spent! Jan
  11. I was also thinking Krassin (I was referring to this diorama by Jim Bauman: http://www.modelshipgallery.com/gallery/misc/icebreaker/Krassin-700-jb/ ) Jan
  12. The last one is not correct: when an iron ring increases temperature, both the inside as well as the outside diameter increases. Is a nice experiment at highschool: copper sfere with a diameter slightly below the inner diameter of an copper ring. Sfere won't go through Heat the ring, and the sfere will fall through. My guess is a more violent explosion as the powder heats. Jan
  13. Some people will do anything to reach the rank of post-captain Jan
  14. I think it ws Jim Baumann who did a 1:700 scale model of this scene.... (but I've no time to search for the naem of this icebreaker) Jan
  15. Perhaps you should all upload an example of your best singing, so that we actually KNOW who sings best. (And Andy has his ears wrapped up in duct-tape anyhow, so he doesn't care) Jan
  16. I hope someone came over to rescue her..... (him?) Jan
  17. But... where are the tackles in the last pic? He's not fished yet.... Seriously: are you going to redo all the previous installed guns, or is it just illustration of growing knowledge, so that each next batch of gun is better than the previous one? Jan
  18. It also depends on the amount of rope you need. I used just to do some rope not available in the shop (main stay and anchor cable.) A simple lego-thingy worked fine. I wouldn't consider doing all the rope I need for a build on such e lego thing. Same on the more eleborate ropewalks. No need to buy a byrnes-one if you only need half a yard of rope. No good idea either I think to do 500 meters on a model-expo one. Jan
  19. Try translate.google.com, choose language dutch in the left panel, type sjors (or anja, whatever you like) and hit the listen-button Works like a charm http://translate.google.com/#nl/en/sjors Jan
  20. You could always use "george". A bit highbrow perhaps for a name like sjors, but the meaning is the same Jan
  21. After a long and busy (and not so model-productive) I've been doing some little knots.... Mainmast finished (apart from some glue and a pair of scissors) on one side, started working on the other side. Hope I can find the time (and motivation) to do the remainder of the standing rigging before Christmas.... btw on a Dutch forum Arjan68 showed that the scale of this kit is not 1:100 as Corel claims, but should actually be around 1:87. I'm not going to redo my ratlines, but they should be slightly wider apart than I placed them. (as should be the stairs and some other details) Jan
  22. She's a real beauty! It's a shame your tubes won't fit, but I'm sure you will come up with a solution for that. There are quite a lot of pics of the launcher, so how detailed are you goning to do them? Some basic tubing, or down to the last nuts and bolts? (for those interested: http://www.maritiemdigitaal.nl/index.cfm?event=search.getsimplesearch&database=ChoiceMardig&needimages=true&searchterm=O19%20lanceerbuizen&allfields=&title=&keyword=&creator=&collection=&shipname=&invno=&museum=&startrow=1 ) Jan
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