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Everything posted by amateur

  1. HMS something, 16 gun brig of the royal navy. Just a couple of hundreds to choose from Jan
  2. You can tell him, we did before, but the only response we got from him so far is that he keeps on throwing away previous work, and showing us something even better..... Jan
  3. next clue: she has her own website Jan
  4. Why not, affaid that you have to do even more household jobs ? We have at least to tell her that she has to clean this thread of all this off-topic junk Jan
  5. Hi Danny, And when this one is named, you can move her to the 'ugliest ship' thread.... Jan
  6. http://www.fonv.nl/vbb/galerij/VN4.html It's an botter originally build in Urk in 1899, and now recreational purposes. She was rather heavily restpored in 2000 http://www.johvdmeulen.nl/pr-bottervn4.html Old ships for recreational purposes are allowed to use their last known fishing registration (this one VN4, wich is for Vollenhove) Jan
  7. But apart form botters and kwakken there are many ships around on the Dutch inland and shore waters. Many belong to a certain 'group', but the variations between ships from various villages and even various builders within a village were large. Many of the ships therefore have apart from their type (botter, kwak, bol, schokker, bons, blazer, punter, hoogaars, schouw etc) an indication of the village/region they were build: Marken, volendam, urk spakenburg, schelde etc.) Local variations existed dus to different sailing and fishing conditions, but also just do to local habits. Almost all these ships were build to specification of the owner/schipper of the ship, so even personal preferences may have played a role. Jan
  8. Hi Pat, Single mast and side vanes isn't enough to identify a Dutch wooden vessel. (but being in Volendam, it's presumably a botter ) Jan
  9. Hi David, I have been looking quite a long time for the French ship. I can't find any French Iphigenie's from the steam era. Can you give some more info please? And now for the dazzle paint.... Jan
  10. How many funnels did you photoshop in or out to make her 'ungoogleble'? Jan
  11. Too small for RMS Imperator, I guess Jan
  12. A little bit (but not too much, I guess) off topic: Is there anything known yet on the release data and price of Revenge? Jan
  13. And she seesm to be a tanker of some sort.... Jan
  14. Question: what do you use to colour the backside of the card? Is that just plain watercolours? Jan
  15. And: are you using stained wood, or is it some kind of blood-wood? Jan
  16. Yup, that's her (Although technically speaking Adrieke should give the 'all clear') Jan
  17. Check het type again: perhaps there are more ships sharing a name As far as I can see this one is a 1960-ies destroyer, and not a 1930-ies Vichy cruiser.... Jan
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