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Everything posted by amateur

  1. Is that a framed model with a bottom, a framed one on a triangular backbone, or a box-like internal structure? JSC has some variations. And: did you also bought the laser cut detail set? Jan
  2. I understand that you needed a break from your major build, but we want some update there Those little black thingies can become a real problem: Doing the second planking on my Prins Willem (same gun-port system), I didn't manage to get the run of the planks exactly in line with the line of the gunports. There was (especially at the ones glued to the bulkheads) almost no margin for error. In the end I decided to leave out the guns on the upper deck., and live with the fact that I can see the lower edge of the U's in some cases. I did not drill the holes for the guns. I still fear the moment of drilling, and coming to the conclusion that fifteen years age I should have used more glue to attach them to the inner planking. Ah, well, I can always decide to show her with the guns behind closed ports Jan
  3. Next will be the aft torpedo, some railing, the compass and the guns. (In that order) I checked the pics: the box is slightly too large, and the grey squares that indicate glueing surfaces are misleading: the light should be on top of the brackets, not sitting in between them. Jan
  4. Some more little stuff. Torpedo tube on deck, pedestal for the gun, and for the searchlight installed. Searchlight, and brackets. and installed on top of the bridge. Could have been done better. There seems ro be some interference between brackets and little square box at the bottom of the light. And now I'm really done for this week. Jan
  5. Little, or shouldI say small progress. Today I did somerailing stuf (draf model, poland). I used scal 1:250 in stead of 1:200. The reasonfor that: stanchion-distance is still too large in this scale, and pics show that the railing on these ships is on the low side. I think this is a reasonable compromise. Draf has used gray card, and I don't think painting will make itanybetter than it is now. I also made the first torpedo-tube. More to follow (don't know when) Jan
  6. No, perhaps not, but it was standard practice in Dutch rigging around 1700. Why they did it, and when they stopped it, I never checked, but quite a lot of pic on gaff-rigged vessels show a double vang on both sides, especially on the slightly larger see-going vessels. Jan
  7. Oops, I missed the updates on this one. I made that up just now. those Halinsky's are unbelievable. Another masterpiece! I promise: I will follow the next one more closely Jan
  8. Today my amiration for the 1:350 PE builders increased by another huge amount. I deceded to build some 'gunlike' things, in order to replace the kit-provided parts. In the end, I have some partial results (paint still to be done), but it took me far more time than expected. In the previous post I showed how it could have looked like. So here is what I made of it. sides and pedestals added together with some barrel-like things. Actually the forward part was round (watertank), and the back end square, but that proved beyond my capabilities. Making correct sized barrels, too, by the way. They are made of tightly rolled 80 grams paper, but a strip of 4 mm wide proved to much, a strip of 3 mm didn't roll as I wanted.... placed on the conning tower, I noticed two things: the struture is a tad small (it should have reached just above the railing. Second: it does need some kind of chair. The chair I made. The size remains at it is. No-one willever know, as long as you guys don't tell the whole thing is so small that my cellphone camera doesn't focus properly. Will be fun painting. All wheels and other small stuff remains unmodelled. Jan
  9. I don't think that in a real ship you can hitch a shroud to a rail, without the use of any clamps of pins. So, I guess there is no 'real' answer to your question. You can check how these lines were belayed (most probably) bijy looking at the way it is done in Mediterranean ships, like Tartanes and Chebeques. Those ships have a toggle set in the line just below the lower block on which the line is belayed. (like the one you have above the blocks). (in your case I would go for a half hitch (with the hitch actually between the rail and the ships hull.) Nice model btw Jan
  10. The funny thing is... there are no pics of these small gun-platforms. the drawings suggest double anti-aircraft guns, but the descriptions of the armament do not mention them. No way that the small cardboard pieces come togethet to something like this (G16, an old WWI torpedoboat) It is tempting to scratchbuild., at least simplified: pedestal, side, two watercooled .50 brownings. Jan
  11. This afternoon I finished the searchlights. I experimented with larger strips, but eventually, I decided not the thicken the cilinders: i left them as they are. and the next fiddly bits. No idea what they might represent. Gun -mounts?? They are gping to be placed in the angled platforms on the conning tower. Might be gunmounts, but at scale 1:250 they are strangely high.... ideas welcome Jan
  12. Ah, missed this thread, I just asked you a question on the config you are going to build. You already answered it Jan
  13. Graf Z never made it to the sea. (Only to be destroyed by the Russians). What configuration are you going to build: a 'what if'-version: weathered, battle damaged, or the 'as-build', unfinished, nicely painted, and without planes? Jan
  14. Nice work on a nice ship. I like these ships so much more than those three decked hms something give us a shout when Zeehaan is started, we’ll be there. Jan
  15. Think: panelling and weathering all the individual planes, placed in a neat starting row on the deck. If someone is up to that job..... Jan
  16. Put on your optivisor; it's there to see for everyone. Although the builder himself claims to have lost interest in this one, he delivered a little gem (again) Jan
  17. But then pops up the next question: how did they get the hawser off the windlass? Get the whole hawser out of the hold, or get the hawser off the anchor-ring? Both seem a lot of dirty work to me. Jan
  18. The V108 is doable (especially when you have ccoyles easy to follow instructions at hand) there are some free downloads at papershipwright, but they are a bit fiddly (more tha v108), but there is Dan cerberus-build, you can refer to in case of emergency (don't tey to match his quality, that is beyond our possibilities ) Jan
  19. Or a decision to start over anew :) ? Mine is still gathering dust. Need stronger optivisors to continue :) Jan
  20. I thought so: she will carrying a relatively large number of guns, and the captains quarters are rather undutch in their lavishness. But perhaps I jumped too quickly to conclusions, and she will be some other type of ship (although: yacht?? mortar could be, but her deck-layout is a bit atypical for a mortar, and she is not watertight enough for a sub, although she might qualify otherwise ). Jan
  21. Just a question: dutch flatbottoms always have leeboards. Will this be the first ship-of-the-line carryimg leeboards? And if not, how wil she ever be able NOT to break the line?? Jan
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