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Everything posted by amateur

  1. Yup, I was going to type more or less the same. No evidence what so ever that she will float. Jan
  2. Today I did some small parts (actually: nothing left but small parts) first I did an air-inlet. The kit show a very high one, the original drawings a low one, and both appear in pictures of the real ship. I think the low one looks more convincing (as it does not block the guns) the stairs are a bit weird: the kit shows them as flat on the deck. I choose to do some surgery: shortening the "stairs" and making a small grey strip from spare stock to cover the white area. Not very convincing stairs, but better than a grey square flat on the deck. next the small stuff on the deck: bollards and a capstan. The capstan is not designed very well: the white area on the deck is too large, or the capstan too small. Again the spare grey comes to the rescue: a made a base for the capstan, to cover the ugly white. The remainder is standard, and fits reasonably well. finally, I started the searchlights: four of them, all equal. and that was when I decided to stop: sun down, getting darker, and again the need for surgery: or a redo: the front of the lights is too large, or the housing too small. Next job will be cutting new grey strips to thicken the lights somewhat, to get rid of the ugly overhang... Jan
  3. In thecapstan perhaps? As far as I can remember, early capstans did not have removable bars. Jan
  4. Ja, die voelde je op je klompen aankomen (sorry guys, dutch, and not translatable, but very to the point in this thread)
  5. Chatham had docking facilities, but I don't know how they were used. And the story goes that Portsmouth had its first dock around 1500. No idea whether that was a dock as we know it now, or just a place where they could geet to the underside of a ship. Jan
  6. I did a not so extended search, but thepictures by Nooms show them as rings (just like you did onthe previous one). The blocks for the 'blinde' are not on the stay, but on the preventer, at least, according to Reinier Nooms. https://artsandculture.google.com/asset/twee-schepen-een-boeier-en-een-galjoot/gAFvr6_AryFkuw?hl=nl&ms={"x"%3A0.47083735115099623%2C"y"%3A0.5291626488490038%2C"z"%3A9.213338350082639%2C"size"%3A{"width"%3A0.916224034672209%2C"height"%3A2.071658709627955}} Jan
  7. alternative: a flower-pot?? hanging next to your door, with some nice red pelargoniums in it??? Jan
  8. And some were designed with a rediculous among nt of sail. Apparantly they did not trust the steam engine (or it was more economically sailing to the far east than steaming )
  9. The only rigging info I can find is this kind of diagrams: http://www.gahetna.nl/collectie/archief/inventaris/gahetnascans/eadid/4.MST/inventarisnr/797/level/file Victoria was not the only one carrying this kind of rig.No naming, though.... Jan
  10. There are a couple of ships in the dutch achive (like the bali) http://www.gahetna.nl/collectie/archief/inventaris/gahetnascans/eadid/4.MST/inventarisnr/797/level/file they are all referred to as steam-screw ships, sometimes added: schooner rig unfortunatedly, there are no rigging diagrams in the archive, just hull-details Jan
  11. Was rhere some kind of decking on this balcony? The holes look rather large to me. And like the others I am enjoying your metal skills. Jan
  12. Hi Tony, What you indicate in red, is -as far as I understand these drawings - the deck height on the centerline of the ship, not the deckline in the side of the ship. Thus, the difference between the red and blue lines is an indication for the curvature of the deck beams. (But perhaps my interpretation is incorrect..) Jan
  13. I was wondering: is it the way the resin reflects the light, or are the edges slightly less defined than in the plastic parts? Btw that radar is incredible.... just for comparison: can we have a ruler or something next to that radar? Jan
  14. Although there are more 'proofs' that suggest that there used to be such sails. In an other thread I found this picture Found in this thread (page 4) Jan
  15. I don’t know how it is in other countries, but the main sales channel for SB and Schuyt in the Netherlands used to be toy-shops , while HMV or Wilhelmshaven were hobby shops. I guess that has some meaning jan
  16. That is not so strange: swastika's are strictly forbidden in Germany, no matter what you need them for. Looks an interesting plane. Jan
  17. Nope, I checked: @dafi has them in .7 mm which is way more that .009 inch. ( which is around .2 mm) I also checked some PE-manufacturers, but ringbolts that size do not exist, at least, not in the places where I checked. Jan
  18. As usual, Schreiber is a bit basic. I don't think they ever redesign an existing model, so they are a bit lagging in quality. Their newest however, are much better in terms of print quality (eg the Limburger Dom) compared to the old ones (Dom in Worms or Marialaach). A new design principle in architecture seesm to be 'fotorealistic': the building is no longer handcoloured, but foto's are used to represent the surface. That is 'optimal weathering' (although I'm not sure whether or not I always like the result) Jan
  19. Three hours work..... none of them completely as I would like to see it, but OK, no one will ever look at the macro's..... Pics still out of focus Next are some capstans, but the "instructions" just say: put parts 148-155 together and place them on the deck. ah well, we will see. Next weekend, as tomorrow is a day without buildingtime. Jan
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