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Everything posted by amateur

  1. Very unguided: quite a few landed witin kilometers of the launchplatform Jan
  2. With respect to glue: you will soon discover that 'easy' works best. so, don't use glues that are not made for the purpose.... besides, at your scale, rubbery seams between deckplanks are way out of scale: you get a striped deck. (But perhaps you are after that). Caulking seams (as well as the wooden props over the nails) are only centimeters wide n reallife, so at scale 1:100.. paper, black thread, etc are all over scaled. The sharpie will deliver wat you want: the suggestion of seams. With respectto tools: buy as you need them. Don't be tempted to stuff your room with elaborated tools (unless you are after that ) Jan
  3. Congrats!! Hope your business will flourish! question: did I miss it, or did you not mention the size of the finished model in the description? Jan
  4. Most parts of the standing rigging end up in tackles, deadeyes or something like that. You can tension them, and retension when the standing rigging sags. I secured my stays in a very late stadium of the rigging process., I am left with virtually no sagging. Jan
  5. And they also do not show up in the liner-periodpic...... could it be a method of hauling in the mooring cables? I would consider rerigging them slightly different: in the pics you can see that the chain runs via the head of the winch, resulting ina chain that runs fairly high above the deck. You can see thatnicely atthepic with the lightingfrom aside: it almost looks as ifthere were two chains,but one is the chain, the other one the shadow. Jan
  6. Besides, Europe is almost washed over by tourists. All large cities are just unbearable during the holidayseason (which runs full year, at least in cities like Amsterdam...) Although I do not agree withBob (kits are defnitily much more fun than a river cruise, as you can add to it, and work at your own speed), much more fun outside the large cities, and just on your own. (Or at leat: outside those herds of tourists, running behing a guide with a red umbrella) Jan
  7. But they kept painting the gunturrets I knowthe real thing never went into this state, but your pics could have been pics of the original I like your style. You stop exactly at the point where more would be 'overdone'. Jan
  8. Sails to yards first, without doubt. Jan
  9. I am still surprised by the relatively small part of the hull that is below the waterline. The camo-pattern is a very nice one, indeed. Jan
  10. Just a question: did you use the red parts straight out of the box, or did you paint over the red? Jan
  11. Hi Ed, I could have hit the like-button, but I wanted tot say that I enjoyed all your posts (even the ones were you said you were only showing repetitive work ). The final result is absolutely fabulous. And although the artwork is perhaps a bit amateurish, the point of view of the picture really shows the impressive height of the ship. Turn it into a black-white pic, and photoshop New York harbor in the background, and nobody can tell this is a model. Jan
  12. But the smallest part so far were near invisible. half of that size means: invisible to the human eye Jan
  13. Hi Marcus, Bending isn’t the bedt way to go: some need serious sideway curves, and the width isn’t constant over the length. Making templates, and fabricating planks from a sheet is perhaps the easier way to go. Jan
  14. Nice ship, not the easiest hull to plank. (Never tried one myself, but saw lot of strugling ) Emke's drawings show enough detail to keep you busy for some time . Jan
  15. Talent? Outside and painted you get an idea of the size of the ship. Jan
  16. Shipmodels everywhere Although the maritime musea tend to shift from models to stories. Jan
  17. Looks good. How picky are you in the details of the hulls molding? In case you are, the indentation of the hull around the forward guns need a very small amount of filler: in the original it is rounded slightly below the upper plating belt, in the model it cuts into it.... Jan
  18. The pics are easy: www.bundesarchiv.de the rest is wizardry, as far as I'm concerned ... Jan
  19. Give or take another ten years or so Jan
  20. Is that a framed model with a bottom, a framed one on a triangular backbone, or a box-like internal structure? JSC has some variations. And: did you also bought the laser cut detail set? Jan
  21. I understand that you needed a break from your major build, but we want some update there Those little black thingies can become a real problem: Doing the second planking on my Prins Willem (same gun-port system), I didn't manage to get the run of the planks exactly in line with the line of the gunports. There was (especially at the ones glued to the bulkheads) almost no margin for error. In the end I decided to leave out the guns on the upper deck., and live with the fact that I can see the lower edge of the U's in some cases. I did not drill the holes for the guns. I still fear the moment of drilling, and coming to the conclusion that fifteen years age I should have used more glue to attach them to the inner planking. Ah, well, I can always decide to show her with the guns behind closed ports Jan
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