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Everything posted by amateur

  1. Apart from the fact that the lower plank is about 0.5 micron wider than the adjoinging one, I can't see any flaws in the planking. (That is, if the offending plank is in your pic, perhaps you left it out....) Your ship looks absolutely stunning. Jan
  2. that's very nice! Did Tromp had an open funnel, or was she fitted with one of those caps on top of the funnel? Jan
  3. You don't know either, of course, but I still wonder why some drawings place doors in the lookout-post for the helmsman.... Nice pump, by the way! Jan
  4. ON your model one turn will be enough. Jan
  5. NOt an answer but a question in return: Do you have belaying pins in your kit? Jan
  6. But part(s) of them were destroyed
  7. OK, narrowing down: Tribal class? Jan
  8. I very much doubt whether Doris uses material that has to be ironed on.... I thought she uses self-adhesive materials. Jan
  9. She's a destroyer, but I guess that's not enough for you Jan
  10. Nice model of a nice ship. One question: why do you refer to her as a flyboat? I thought these ships were called yachts.? Jan
  11. Found it on the internet a couple of years ago. Has been my desktop-background ever since. The pic was taken one of the times Batavia was out on the Markermeer to do some sail-trials. Hence the somewhat strange sailsettings (Mains set without the topsails, normal practice was the other way round) Jan
  12. Perhaps you could be somewhat more specific? Is it the (non)metric-problem, the Italian (or lack of english), reading the plans as such, or a kit-specific problem? Jan
  13. No, I did some picture-searching in my luch-break, and Batavia has the braces belayed inside the gallion, on both sides (at least on th epic I use as my screensaver, klick for full screen, it's a really large picture) Jan
  14. Why do these guys never tell you how many part are coming? I thought under European law they had to give full information on total costs over the full package.... Jan
  15. Yes Remco, We know you would go for six-sided bolts on the flanges It looks to me as the difficulty of this scale: what details do you incorporate and wich not: even the smaller details seem to be (or actually are) feasible, but were does to much detail destroy the overall effect..... So far: can't have enough of the detail Jan
  16. Flower-corvette for sure, but why this one should be easy is not clear to me..... Ja
  17. ON the yard, there should be an end of rope with a single block. After 'returning to the shrould, the rrope is belayed on the gallion (or sometimes shown: a block on the bowsprit, and then on the railing of the forecatle. I'll check my pic;s of Batavia. Unfortunatedly, I don't have pics that show where exactly the braces are belayed in the gallion... Jan
  18. OK, I'll change my initial reaction: I don't see hints, even when they are there for everyone to see Still not a clue. A number of helpless caualties, in a cargo ship, but not a torpedo-victim. Rapid sinking of an evacuee-ship? Jan
  19. SS Norlandia, perhaps (although, she had a rather 'normal' war-ending, due to a torpedo..... and not too much casulaties) Jan
  20. Sorry, but you seem to see hints where there are none Jan
  21. I presume it's not: too many related words on the old continent look very much alike this famous four letter word. Jan
  22. which suggest a WWI torpedo victim..... Jan
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