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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by rafine

  1. I can only echo what so many others have said. It's great that you were willing and able to recreate this great log. It's been my pleasure to go through it all again. Bob
  2. I've now done the mizzen topsail and topgallant yards and their rigging. The yards were made as the previous yards. The topsail yard has an eight sided center section and the topgallant is round throughout.The blocks for the lifts, sheets clews and braces well as lines for the ties and trusses were added before mounting on the mast. After mounting, rigging was completed for all of the lines to these yards, including the braces, which run through lead blocks previously attached to the mizzen gaff. All that remains of the rigging now is the remainder of the braces and the main lower clews, tacks and sheets. Since I have continually (and stupidly) underestimated the amount of rigging line that was needed, I'm currently awaiting another delivery of line to allow me to finish that work. Bob
  3. Thanks so much Vossiewulf. I'm very flattered by the compliment, but I'm not doing anything that you won't be able to achieve with some care and practice. Bob
  4. Thanks so much Denis. Glad to have you back. Bob
  5. Thanks so much Thomas and the "likes". The blocks are all from Syren and require no work (I do drill out the holes to enlarge them slightly). Like all of Chuck's products, they are terrific. Bob
  6. Thanks so much Rich, Albert and Elijah for the generous comments and also the "likes". Rich, at my age talent diminishes and needs to be replaced by increased effort and perseverance. Bob
  7. A wonderful gesture on your part and a great result. Bravo! Bob
  8. Thanks so much Tim, Russ and the "likes". As always, your interest is greatly appreciated Bob
  9. This past week, I turned my attention to the mizzen and made up, mounted and rigged the crojack, boom and gaff. All three yards are round in section throughout, and required only tapering and the addition of cleats for each and jaws in the case of the boom and gaff, before painting black. For the crojack, foot ropes were added and then blocks for the sling, lifts, topsail sheets and braces. For the boom, a span was added for the topping lift and pendants and blocks for the guys. For the gaff, blocks were added for the peak and throat halyards, pendants and blocks for the vangs, and lead blocks and line for the mizzen topsail and topgallant braces. The crojack was mounted on it's pin and the boom and gaff were mounted with parrels made from wire and beads. After mounting, rigging was done on each. On the crojack, I did the sling and the lifts. On the boom, I did the topping lift and the guys. On the gaff, I did the peak and throat halyards and the vangs. Most of the rigging was left only temporarily tied off. Now, I will do the topsail and topgallant yards. Bob
  10. Thanks so much Michael and Tim for the nice comments. Bob
  11. Thanks so much Thomas. I make the coils by wrapping line, to which I have applied glue with my fingers, around a piece of plastic tubing (to which it won't stick). I remove the glued up coil from the tube before it dries hard and then put it in place with a spot of glue and shape it with tweezers. Bob
  12. Thanks so much Roadrunner, Russ for the generous comments and also the "likes". Bob
  13. I've now made up, mounted and rigged the main topgallant yard. This is a simple yard, being round in section throughout. Only tapering was required, before adding the cleats, foot ropes, and the blocks for the lifts, clews and braces. Lines were also added for the truss and tie. After mounting, the rigging was completed for the truss, lifts, tie, clews, and the sheets/ topsail lifts. The lifts and tie were tied off at the main top and coils added. The area at the deck was a jumble of lines that required, as B.E. has put it, "tidying up". I finished tying off all of the lines at the bitts, cleats and kevels and added rope coils. This completed the running rigging of the main mast yards, with the exception of their braces and the lower sheets and tacks, which will be done at a later point. Now, it's on to the mizzen. Bob
  14. Thanks so much Albert. A greatly appreciated compliment. Bob
  15. Thanks so much Sjors , Mike and the "likes". Sjors, make a plan for how to do the rigging and then just follow it, one line at a time. A complicated result is made up of a bunch of simple jobs, done in a doable sequence. See, it's easy. Mike, at my age, there's no time to waste. Bob
  16. Thanks so much Pawel. Love the clip. Bob
  17. Super work Albert. As good as it gets. Bob
  18. Thanks so much Nils, Don and the "likes". Greatly appreciated. Bob
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