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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by rafine

  1. Thanks so much Denis, B.E. and Sjors for the kind words. Thanks also to the "likes". Bob
  2. Thanks so much Thomas. Always appreciated. Bob
  3. Thanks so much Lou and the "likes". How's the Fair American coming along, Lou? Bob
  4. Thanks so much Mike. Never forget: we don't get older, we get better. Bob
  5. Thanks so much Nils for the generous comments and thanks also to the "likes". Bob
  6. With the exception of the swivel guns and the anchors, work on the hull is now complete. Those items will be done during or after the masting and rigging process to avoid damage. At the aft end, I added the cabin port lids and the standing figures at the transom edge. At the bow, I did the foremost port covers and added the chesstrees and simulated sheaves for the fore tack. The transom figures are the kit castings, but with their heavy bases cut off and the figures modified to fit the transom in a manner more closely reproducing the appearance shown in AOTS. The metal was painted to match wood in the same manner as previously done on the other castings. All of the port lids and covers were made from boxwood strip and used the kit's PE brass hinges.The aft lids also had brass rings added. AOTS shows no rings on the forward covers. The chesstrees are boxwood strip with simulated sheaves drilled and cut in. The fore tack sheaves were drilled and cut into the hull ahead of the chesstrees. I am now beginning work on the masting and rigging. Bob
  7. Great job on the belfry and rail Martin. They look just right. Bob
  8. Albert, once again your work is exceptional. Bob
  9. Rusty, I really envy you that new work space. It looks great and I can't wait to see the beautiful work that you'll turn out there. Bob
  10. Thanks so much Nils, Martin, Denis and Elijah for the generous comments and thanks also to the "likes". Bob
  11. Thanks so much to all of the "likes" for your continuing interest. Bob
  12. Moving to the outer hull, I decided to do the lower deadeyes and chainplates next. The deadeyes are the kit parts, but a decision had to be made about the main chainplates. The kit parts are PE brass, but they looked odd to me when compared to the those shown in AOTS. The PE part is one piece and has a loop below the deadeye that is supposed to represent the shackle to which the lower part of the chainplate is attached. To me, it seemed much too large and lacks any hint of an attachment to a separate lower part. I chose to make the chainplates in two parts, using wire for the part around the deadeye and the shackle, and brass strip for the lower portion. The brass strip was bent over the wire to create a simulation of the shackle attachment. The first photo below shows a comparison of the kit part to what I produced. The deadeyes for the main topgallant backstay and the mizzen deadeyes don't have the visible shackle attachment and I used the PE parts for them, as they seemed to match the appearance shown in AOTS. The angles for the chainplates were set by using a piece of line attached to dummy masts. Bob
  13. A beautiful looking ship Joe. I really like it. ( I may have to follow you again ). Bob
  14. Thanks so much Thomas and the "likes". Bob
  15. Thanks so much Denis, Grant, Red, Hamilton and Joe for the very generous comments. Thanks also to the "likes". Greatly appreciated, as always. Bob
  16. That really looks wonderful Denis. The detailing is certainly bringing her to life. Bob
  17. Thanks so much Dirk, Don,Elijah and Martin. You guys are great. Bob
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