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Everything posted by rafine

  1. Inboard work underway. I have thinned down the bulkheads and made and added the false deck. This involved a fair amount of effort, but nothing that was particularly difficult or interesting to see. For the bulkhead thinning, I followed Chuck's lead and started with a Dremel with a rough sanding drum, followed by sanding sticks and chisels. I also added filler strips at the bow and stern to aid in planking and to facilitate the drilling of various holes. When I was satisfied that all was thin enough and fair, I moved on to the false deck. The deck was cut from basswood sheet using the template in the plans. I cut it a little oversize and trimmed to fit. Before gluing it in place, I cut the mast hole, the opening for the skylight and the notches for the stern frames. I also marked out the positions of the hatches and companionway and also marked the position of the "deck beams" in preparation for deck planking. I cut the deck into four pieces to make gluing it in place a little easier. Now, it's on to the interior bulwark planking. Bob
  2. I can attest to the fact that Chuck really means it. I took him up on his invitation when I was in his area. A truly enjoyable time. Bob
  3. Nicely done J. One of the pleasures of this kit was how well the engine parts were designed. Bob
  4. Thanks so much Dirk, Lionfish, Chuck, Grant, Druxey, Tim and George for the generous comments and also to the "likes" for their continuing interest . Always appreciated. Bob
  5. I have now completed the lower planking on the port side. This involved the same process used on the starboard side -- planking, tree nailing, final sanding and repainting of the wale. Although the two sides didn't come out exactly identical, they are very close. The hull is now fully planked. With the completion of this work, it is time to turn my attention inboard and thin down the bulkheads in preparation for the bulwark planking. Bob
  6. Thanks so much Hamilton, Druxey, Johann and the "likes". Druxey, actually I've done it both ways -- drilling starter holes by hand and finishing with a Dremel, and drilling all the way by hand. It seems to take about the same time and effort each way. Bob
  7. Thanks so much Wes and the "likes". I would reach for the rotary tool as well, but, truthfully, i can't use one to drill those holes without slipping and skipping unless i drill starter holes by hand first. Bob
  8. Thanks so much Terry. Did you ever finish Essex? Are you working on Cheerful now? If so, I'd again urge you to post a log. Bob
  9. Thanks so much to all for the very kind and generous comments and also to the "likes". Greatly appreciated and very gratifying. David and Ken, there will be no paint on the outer hull other than the wales, which BTW were repainted to repair the damage caused by sanding of the lower planking. I do expect to paint the interior bulwark planking. Bob
  10. Lower hull planking on the starboard side is now finished. This involved drilling and filling over 1300 holes for the simulated treenails, final sanding with multiple grades of sandpaper and a coat of Wipe-on Poly to seal and protect the work. Although my hand seems to be permanently cramped into the position of gripping the pin vise drill , I am generally pleased with the result. Now, it's on to the port side to do it all over again by adding and finishing the lower planking there. Bob
  11. You're going to enjoy this build Ed. It's a really nice kit and Chuck's plans and instructions are great. Bob
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