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Everything posted by paulsutcliffe

  1. Hi Hubac Thus is all really interesting and I love all these old drawings, the van de velde ones especially, the way they show the ships so low in the water is also amazing and often wonder how a model could be made to look like that, and with all the amazing decoration that they added at this time Regards Paul
  2. Hi Mark, you are right im not sure I would want to be perched there when the gun above was run out😀
  3. Thanks mark, you are probably right they would have to be elevated somewhat, im going to try and fit the rear seats to see how they look Thanks Allen @allanyed sorry I probably wasn't very clear when I started the thread, im building the Sirius but use the AOTs Diana book for a lot of the things missing from my plans and Ed ts naiad log Thanks Regards Paul
  4. I've spent a long time staring at the picture of the Bellona headworks on the front of Brian laverys ship of the line book admiring the scroll on the end of the hair bracket, also looking at mine which can be seen above I decided major surgery was needed and cut it off Spent a few hours last night watching you tube on carving scrolls and replaced with this Which doesn't look very good in that picture but get the light right and it ,looks like this With a bit more sanding smoothing and sealing I think it will be much more how it should be, not like Bellona yet but a bit more practise Regards Paul
  5. Added the front seats of ease and test fitted the rear seat Regards Paul
  6. On one model you can see the seats of ease though at the back, interestingly the front pair are closer to the centre by the bowsprit which is a different position to what's shown in the AOTS Diana
  7. You are correct, however the plans for the sirius have them drawn in in red and annotations on the side for the builder to add them also raising the waist gangways to the same level as the quarterdeck and forecastle so all at the same height and continuous, the extra gun ports at the front are shown on the profile inboard and out board as well as the forecastle deck plan, whether they were actually added to the ship I don't know as I don't have as built plans, but I have added them All three models of the Diana at the NMM don't show them and Ed T didn't put them on his hms naiad which was built at the same time
  8. "roughed out a few bits of mahogany" if only, lovely Michael
  9. Hi Michael Unfortunately yes it is, lives there all year round, I haven't noticed any problems yet but did seem to have a bit of hogging in the long dry summer but that's disappeared now, anything I glue at the moment though has to be hit with a heat gun for a few minutes or the joint have failed when it has been really cold -3 last night and a couple if the ledges on the head were still loose this afternoon and I had to reglue. I hate to think about what might happen when I do finally bring it indoors Thanks Regards Paul
  10. Normally on most models and plans I have seen there are four seats of ease on the head, the two rear ones are not shown in the AOTS Diana only the front two which I have yet to fit but you can just see the holes above, the rear ones behind the false rail when measuring out would sit right underneath the two chase ports that have been added into the plans I am working from, would these have been omitted due to the closeness of the guns above or still fitted but presumably not used when the guns were in use?? Any suggestions or information ? Thanks Regards Paul
  11. 🤣🤣thankyou Mark's and to everyone for the likes Two costs of sanding sealer, false rails fitted, seats of ease to do Question- normally there are two more seats at the back corners, however these aren't shown in the aots Diana and when I measured up they would be directly under the chase ports above which are an addition on my profile plan, would they have been omitted from this position because of the guns above?? Any suggestions? Regards Paul
  12. I need to bevel the bottoms of the false rail before fitting, a coat of sanding sealer and final sanding of the head timbers first though, oh ! and the seats of ease Regards Paul
  13. Carlings and ledges all completed, the curve upwards was made more complicated by the slight camber similar to the deck
  14. why dont you ask david at your next Niagara region club meeting? and let us all know!!😀😀
  15. why don't you just ask david when you are at the Niagara region meeting?? then you can let us all know!!
  16. beautiful work Daniel, just noticed the bollards on the ends of the cant frames very nicely done regards Paul
  17. current state of play, there are some really interesting and awkward angles and curves in this area the piece of tinfoil is representing the lead covering for the lancing piece, not sure if I will be adding this piece or I might try and make it out of copper foil, chase port has been cut out on this side with gents saw and I now need to file sand the sill level regards Paul
  18. as I mentioned earlier the carlings for the head curve upwards similar to the main rail, I curved a piece of 6" box with dry heat ready for these pieces even though it is nicely bent because the pices are so short when ou have cut them they actually still look straight, so I will have to shape them by sanding in more of a curve regards Paul
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