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Everything posted by paulsutcliffe

  1. Beautiful work amalio Regards Paul
  2. Removable hatch covers as well, amazing, lovely work at such a small scale Regards Paul
  3. Absolutely stunning work woodeater, how did you produce the scrolls on the drift rails and head piece? Regards Paul
  4. Absolutely fantastic Ed, arrows😀 only joking that was quite clear Regards Paul
  5. Great idea Keith, well done and my aren't you lucky being allowed onto the dining room table, I'm not even allowed to bring it inside the house, although I did sneak the rope walk in when it was really cold, to practise with Regards Paul
  6. Another option that may be of interest is David White in the AOTS Diana armament section shows the breeching rope lying over the cascable and a ring but says in the text, the ring is a grommet seized to the cascable, so similar to siggis photo but with a ring tied on to the button Regards Paul
  7. Hi Chris http://www.originalmarquetry.co.uk/ do boxwood strips in many sizes and ebony should you need it http://www.exotichardwoodsukltd.com/ also do all kinds of species including pear but will need cutting down Regards Paul
  8. Ha thanks, not at those postage rates but I thought you might be interested or Bob @Bob Cleek
  9. There's one showing on ebay us currently for ten dollars plus 30 dollars to send to the the UK😀
  10. My hms Sirius model is in the same garage as the cheerful Hull and I have had no problems with cracking or shrinking, it has been out there for years now, even through our latest hottest summer for years, however each layer as I have been building from the orlop up has been coated in layers of Tung oil thinned with spirits for the first coat 50/50 I'm not sure if this is what's made the difference to this model or not Regards Paul
  11. Expansion can then become just as big a problem though as the shrinkage, my cheerful hull below after a year in the garage the wood is holly and was dry and seasoned but has obviously swollen after fitting and painting with watered down acrylic Regards Paul
  12. Looking much neater OC and will be easier to rig Regards Paul
  13. Beautiful work, although you missed out how you actually carved the scroll and acanthus leaves, the nail router is a great idea also Regards Paul
  14. Hi Alan You might want to want to check between frame 7 and 8 as well where it shows a gap in this picture, I had the same problem in that area and when fairing the frames became to thin and I had to replace them, hope this helps going forward Regards Paul
  15. Nice work Michael, the scarfed joint on top of the cockpit shell look fantastic
  16. And you are certainly doing it justice, well done Regards Paul
  17. Oh OK definitely agree with you on that one Regards Paul
  18. Hi OC Are you going to be rigging the model, if so, as you are supergluing the dead eyes on don't you want to orient them and the holes the right way round to ease rigging the shrouds when you get there? Sorry just trying to save you some aggro later on! Regards Paul
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