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Everything posted by paulsutcliffe

  1. stern head timber fitted, ebony trial board and bolster can just be seen under the upper cheek forgot to move the coffee cup bulwarks on the forecastle also going in, mortices for the carlings added to the head timbers and a test of the carronade to check fitment regards paul
  2. The temperature warmed up slightly Friday is managed to get some ship time in, head main rails are now attached and some more work done on the gallery top now working on the head timber carlings etc which curve upwards bevel towards the front and the sides, I had never noticed previously that they curve similar to the main rail as well Regards Paul
  3. Hi Peter The quarter galleries did indeed have a kind of pool on the top, actually the cistern for the officers and captains heads/toilet inside the gallery which flushed down and out through the bottom of the gallery These were usually lead lined with a drain hole at the fore end Hope this helps Regards Paul
  4. Very similar hull shape as a packet ship as Chris says above, although I'm not sure of the gangplanks in the waist, definitely not a clipper or the cutty sark as they generally had their chains inboard and a roundedstern, could be a whaler or something along those lines Regards Paul
  5. I have to agree with Mark above and was going to post when i saw his reply, what would be the point of coamings when the waist directly behind is open for the water to pour into, it would be much more sense to be flush with the deck for smoke and ventilation purposes Regards Paul
  6. Hi thunder Check out the lines and stringing section, I have bought a lot of the strips in different thicknesses mostly boxwood and all have been top quality Regards Paul
  7. Welcome Bruce http://www.exotichardwoodsukltd.com/ and http://www.originalmarquetry.co.uk/ are also two great suppliers of box, pear and ebony in the UK, have purchased all my wood from these two with no problems Regards Paul
  8. Union Jack on a French ship ? Not sure how that would go down 😀
  9. Hi Keith Welcome back, I get all my wood from two suppliers in the UK, original marquetry (originalmarquetry.co.uk) and exotic hardwoods uk ltd (exotichardwoodsukltd.com) for all the big stuff ie pear and boxwood blanks Regards Paul
  10. Nice choice Keith, go for it Looking forward to the results if altair was anything to go by Regards Paul
  11. Hi Michael, no problem thanks for looking in, I had major problems on the starboard with the windows and fitting the gallery, After some help from Druxey, Ed and others at the time I managed to fix it, I had made the top and bottom shelves the same size but not taken into account the taffrell I have had to trim down the top piece to match the bottom to ensure the windows are the same size and slope. Regards Paul
  12. Wow, beautiful work, I didn't realise how big it was until I saw the funnels in your hand
  13. Its three degrees in the garage and Diana Ross is nowhere to be seen Could be the last photos/work for a while until it warms up a bit Regards Paul
  14. The edges of the planks need to be bevelled to fit perfectly against the previous plank, you also need to shape the plank slightly in places to get a good fit ie thinner in the centre getting wider slightly towards the stern, have you read the planking tutorial by David Antscherl ,(look under tutorials in building, framing and planking) or chucks tutorial on planking in his cheerful log, this will help you enormously I getting your planks tight Hope this helps Regards Paul
  15. I believe the hold and orlop were generally white because it was so dark in these areas and reflected the light from the lanterns
  16. Druxey took the words out of my mouth, I was just about to say I doubt there was much fading under all those costs of paint.
  17. I have also added the central plansheer and am working forward with the forecastle plansheer and timberheads at the same time Regards Paul
  18. Hi all Happy and prosperous new year to everyone Continuing with the head timbers I have made the lower rail, cathead supporter and eking piece, druxey states in his comet fireship book that the supporter is one of the hardest parts to shape and cut, he tells fibs ha!!! The head timbers are a real pain to shape and cut inbetween the rails and I have made umpteen templates and wrongly shaped pieces to get to these shapes, which don't really look much at the end. Regards Paul
  19. Hi Mark Very nicely done, I'm glad you have finally decided on pewter casting, please make sure you show us how you do it as I would like to also learn more about doing this. One comment, I always thought the trunnion was off centre ie below the centre line, and is shown like this in the aots Diana not central as you have drilled, worth checking before you do all your masters, of course I could be wrong Regards Paul
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