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Everything posted by maso

  1. I have inherited a part built Santa Maria - Artesania Latina. The gentleman who gifted it to me does not have the time or patience to complete it. The previous builder has assembled the false keel and frames, attached and planked the main deck and planked the forward bulkhead. As I have just about completed my Newport build, I thought I would have a bit of a tinker with Santa Maria. I have found 3 problems so far: 1. The false keel was very badly bowed. 2. I don't like the way the deck is planked 3. There is only one plan ( i am assuming that there should me more plan sheets and some sort of instruction book) Problem 1 has been overcome. I managed to remove the deck, loosened some of the bulkheads, regaled them and put in a couple of spacers to help hold it all straight. There is still a slight bow in the keel, but I don't think it will be a problem. Problem 2 will be rectified by removing the planking and redoing it. Fortunatley, Artesania have supplied plenty of deck planking strips. As you can see, the planking has been laid in single long strips. I will relay using shorter lengths, simulated caulking and treenails. Problem 3 will take some sorting out. I contacted Artesania Latina about 3 weeks ago, but I have had no reply. There seems to be some parts missing, but without full instructions and plans, I am not sure. Has anybody who has built Santa Maria plans and instructions that I could beg, steal, borrow on buy ? In the mean time I will carry on and replant the deck. Dave.
  2. On the last leg of this voyage. Running rigging nearly complete. I have a problem with a couple of the lines that are fixed close together twisting on themselves. You can probably see them in this photo. I will have to re-do them.
  3. I have just inherited a partially built Santa Maria by Artesania. The problem is that there are no plans with it. I have the instruction manual only. I emailed Artesania Latina about a month ago, but have had no reply. Does anyone out there have any plans that they are finished with, or could scan and send to me, or any ideas where I can get some. Dave.
  4. A productive weekend in the shipyard. All the standing rigging is complete and ready to fit yards and booms.
  5. A little bit more progress on my build. Having to work for a living is no good when you have hobbies or other pastimes. There never seems to be enough time to enjoy them. As you will se from tees pics, i have started on the rigging. Even after studying other build logs here, there still needs to be a lot of thought and planning before starting. I have made quite a few mistakes and had a few re-does, but am finally making some progress. I hate how close up shots show flaws that you can't see with the naked eye. The rain has started here now and we are supposed to have a wet weekend. Hopefully I will be able to get more done on the build. Dave.
  6. Welcome aboard Greg. Good to see another modeller on the Goldy. You will always find plenty of good advice and tips on this forum. Dave.
  7. Thanks for that. I had hoped to not pull it all apart, but it does seem to be the only way to fix it properly. It looks like they have used PVA glue, so hopefully I can pull it apart easily. Dave.
  8. I'll try tat one again. I have just found your log. I have inherited a partially built Santa Maria. All the bulkheads have ben fitted along with the main deck. The problem is, the whole is twisted out of shape. I am trying to figure out a way to straiten it without having to pull it all apart.
  9. Hello again fellow modellers. With summer gone here in Queensland, and the temperature in my shed bearable once again, I have been able to continue on my build of the Newport. While my build has been on hold, I have been able to indulge in my other passions - golf & fishing. The fishing has been good, but the god only so-so. Once again the Mamoli parts supplied are pretty ordinary. The chainplate assemblies were mage of a cheap alloy, which were virtually unmanageable. So I purchased some brass ones from Modellers Shipyard. These once blackened and assembled look much better. Next job was rigging the anchors. Assembled chainplates attached to the hull. Now for the daunting part of the build - the rigging. Mamoli's instructions are gauge at best, but with knowledge and tips from all you good people here on this forum, I think I am ready to go. First up is pre-rigging the masts with shrouds & stays. So far so good - I hope. Stay tuned for more developments. Dave.
  10. your build is coming along nicely. Excellent work for your 1st build. I had the same problem with mamoli's metal parts. Belaying pins are hopeless and deadeye straps are even worse. How have you found Mamoli's plans and instructions ?
  11. Hi Guybrarian, I am currently building Mamoli's Newport, which is the same kit with a different name. I am just about to start the rigging after a long layoff from building. I have quite a few photos on my build log if you want any reference to help your build. I have found Mamoli's instructions next to useless and have got to where I am today by following various build logs on this site. I cut off the frame extensions before planking the deck and inner bulwark planking. As Eric has already said, I varnished before cutting the gun ports to avoid too much splintering of the 2nd planking. Keep looking at all the other build logs here for ideas, as there is a wealth of knowledge on this forum and everyone is willing to help out. I will keep following your build with interest. Dave.
  12. Great work Slog. Another idea to add to the collection for my next build. Dave.
  13. Hi Timmo, Following your build with interest. I am thinking of this for my next build. As an ex Hamiltonian, the Chiefs are my Super Rugby team. Good to see them Get up again. Dave.
  14. Brian, Mark, Thanks for your advice. I have just checked out the silver solder tutorial, and it makes sense that thin gauge brass loops will not take much tension to pull open. I have a mapp gas torch and some 5% silver solder in the shed, so will have a play around tomorrow. The stove chimney is no problem as I made it out of dowel and should be easy to re-position. Dave.
  15. Dan, I like your build cradle. I might borrow your idea for my next build. Dave
  16. My erratic build continues. It is becoming harder to find enough time lately to sit down and spend any time on my build. I was lucky last week as I was able to spend a couple of un-interrupted hours on it. Some pics of where I am at. After advice from a post here, I decided on Brass Black for my brass fittings. After a bit of experementing, I am happy with the result. I found that soaking the fittings in a diluted solution of Hydrochloric Acid first, the Brass Black gave a much better result. I have attached the rigging blocks to the masts & yards. I couldn't help myself, I had to see what she looked like with masts & bowsprit on. Starting to really look like a ship now. Hopefully more progress soon. Dave
  17. David, I think we all feel for you. There is nothing worse than the sound of cracking wood after many hours of work. When it has happened to me, I get up and go to the kitchen & shake hands with "Gentleman Jack". After about 10 min. to calm down, I can normally find a fix for the problem. By the way, good work on your build so far. Dave.
  18. Thanks everyone on this. I am just about at this stage and was wondering about the same. Dave
  19. Looking good so far. I found that once I was about half way through the first planking, I was getting the hang of it. I removed some of the earlier planks and re-did them. By the end of the second planking, I was actually quite enjoying it. Dave.
  20. Mamoli plans themselves are not too bad. The instructions however are next to useless. If it hadn't been for MSW 1 and MSW 2, I would have been up the proverbial creek without a paddle. Build logs & other posts here have been my main source of instruction. Floyd, from what I can gather, the companion way would have been under one of the grates. I have been toying with the idea of removing the rear grate and replacing it with a hatch. Dave.
  21. Thanks Floyd. I did end up using masking tape, after much trial & error ( not to mention cursing & swearing). It was very fiddly with the smaller yards, tapering from 3mm to 2mm. Thanks for your advice on the ropes on the anchor stocks. I will paint them black. Dave
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