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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. Here are some photos from a Power Point I gave a few years ago. The sequence should give you an idea of what I am saying. David B
  2. Did you make up a building board with the station lines marked out? This might help out. The beauty of a solid hull is you can repair any wrong spots. David B
  3. It makes the hull more solid and helps to prevent warping down the road. It will also make it easier to find the hull's symetry. You also have more surface to glue your planking down with no shallow dips. David B
  4. I picked up this book at the confeence and it has arrived. A great read with a lot of surprises. David B
  5. You do not need ammonia. it might stain your wood. I just use water and a little heat. Or make a fixture and put my wood in it. David B
  6. When thinning white glue with water add a eyedrop of dish soap or water softener. This act a a release agent and helps the lines absorb the glue. David B
  7. Looking good Toni. What are you going to use as a finish? David B
  8. Tip. If you have an internal mix airbrush disassmble it over a shallow conatiner. An airbrush has amy small parts and if you drop them on the floor you might never find them. If they go into a container like a cake pan, tupperware,etc you will not lose them. David B
  9. I used Floquil for years. Then I switched to Polyscale acrylics. I am now using Modelflex by Badger. I like it because you do not have to thin it for an airbrush and it is easy to clean up. David B
  10. The scary thing about it is when you look at the mock up you find out that it ws a tight fit. I doubt if any of us could fit through the hatches. It took a lot of courage for those men to be in her and do what they did. David B
  11. As far as I was concerned the conference was a success. Really great speakers who were worth the trip. It was fun to meet old friends and trade ideas and new techniques. Too bad there was no attendance sheet this year so you knew who all came. David B
  12. Cherry is a good wood to work with, easy to get and and great all applications.. If you can find pear that will work as well. David B
  13. Nice work. I can't wait to see your cant frames. David B
  14. Well if you happen to be in a maritime museum and see the size of the uniforms of the average sailor you will find that they were usually on the small side as compared to us. Diet played a big role in this. During this area you would be considered a giant if you were 6 feet and a freak if you were taller. See you in Charleston. David B
  15. Only a couple of more days. I plan on having a good time and meeting old aquantances and making new ones. I wish good fortune to all who plan to attend. David B
  16. The Latham is a great looking model. It is the one I decided to scratch build many years ago. However I am working at a scale of 1/96 which made things a little difficult. You will have a lot of pleasure and fun. Get a hold of Chappeles The Fishing Schooner. This book will be very useful as you go along. David B
  17. Fantastic research E&T. You have a better eye than I do and a lot more patience. When you are finally done you should try and write a book about your endeaver. I think many people would be interested. David B
  18. Go to a hardware store and look at there pvc tubing. You will find a 1.25 to 1.5 connection and you can use this. I found that to be the best soluton for me. David B
  19. If you have to turn longer stock you can take off the tail stock and use sandpaper. However Greg is right that the eight sixteen way of making a mast is the best way of doing it. The job can be done quicker and you have more control. When you use a lathe you can put a twist into the wood that can cause problems down the road. David B
  20. It all depends. If I have many blades lying around I will replace the blade. Otherwise I will hone it. Xacto blades are sharp out of the package but if you take it to a strop you can put a razor edge on it. David B
  21. Both books arrived today. They are as good as the desriprions say, if not better. David B
  22. I bought them both last on the 23 and am now waiting to get my hands on them. Have patience, have patience. David dgbot@att.net
  23. They reason they recommend CA is that the joint does not need clamping. And it is quicker. PVA glues and epoxy are still the major glues I use. David B
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