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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. A good rotary tool. Dremel or Foredom. David B
  2. The easiest way to replicate them is to cast them. Resin or pewter using RTV molds. There are several tutorals for doing this. Make up the master. then cast it. Then use the master and the casting to make a 2 cannon mold then 4. You will then be able to produce all you need. David B
  3. A basis rule of safety when handling a table saw, mill, lathe etc. Do not wear gloves or a ring. No loose sleeved shirts. These tools can be dangerous. when you do not follow the rules and common sense. David B
  4. Scrapers are nice but you have to know how to keep the honed. David B
  5. Nice work Toni. What kind of chisels did you use to make your cuts? David B
  6. Just my opinion Anthony but I would stya away from basswood. You will be very unhappy with the results. I have seen several models done with beech, cherry, and maple. A few years ago I saw an article about a gentleman who built his frames out of maple and was happy with the result. A light coor with sharp edges and not damged easilry. David B
  7. Graham, these blocks will be glued permanently to the bulkheads and the keel. You want both fixed so they do not move or shift as this will be the base for your planking. If memory serves me the Scottish Maid is double planked. The first layer will determin the shape of the hull. After filling and sanding and your are happy with the result you apply the second layer wich is a thin veneer. David B
  8. Nice work. I am surprised that you have not split the wood into a hundred pieces. David B
  9. The deck looks great Greg. I like the contrast. Merry Christmas David B
  10. Lavery's book is well researched with an extensive bibliography. David B
  11. Montfeld's book is nice but I was informed years ago by some very smart modelers that you must take it with a grain of salt. Lavery is a dream. After a while you will be able to zero in on what you like the most. David B
  12. Looking good Tim. I have worked with this stuff before and it can be a bearcat at time. Not user friendly. David B
  13. I buy my drill bits from MSC ten each. I save a bit of money because number 75 through 80 seem to either get broken or lost very easily. David B
  14. The drawplate micromart sells is for wire. Jim Byrnes makes a drawplate that is designed for shaving down wood dowels. David B
  15. A tried and true technique. Looking good. David B
  16. Ed. Congrats on straightening your keel. Now if you just fill in the spaces you will not have to worry about your model warping during the planking process. David B
  17. Another thing you can do is to straighten out your keel and fill inbetween the bulkheads. Take your measurements from the slots and cut out blanks that are at a right angle and fit them into the bulkheads. This should the job. David B
  18. You are putting together a Chinese puzzle model. You have either a great deal of patience or having a shot after each session. Did you make your clamps or purchase them? David B
  19. If you were to make the frames out of one sheet. the frame will break along the grain. And you will be wasting a lot of wood. By building with futtocks you will maximize usage and insure the grain is all in one direction. Making the fraames much stronger and less prone to breakage. David B
  20. One of the main reasons for not using CA on riiging knots is after awhile the knot will become britle and might break. David B
  21. Happy Birthday Jim! Hope you spent the the day relaxing and doing something for yourself, instead of all of us demanding customers! I agree with the above sentiment totally. Happy Birthday. David B
  22. Depending on the scale a clove hitch is the only way to go. At smaller scales a simple overhand knot will suffice. David B
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