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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. I looked at the hotels website and by default they seem to have nothing but double rates for $119. I will probably have to phone them to get the single rate. David B
  2. Great work. To bad you do not own the real thing. David B
  3. Not at all. Over the years I have replace the ply bulwarks many times. As for a solid sheet or a built up it will depend on your patience and the model you are working on. David B
  4. I use a Smith's Little torch and am glad for the investment. As a result I can do small joints as well as large ones. The secret is using the right size of flame for the job. This will be learned through trial and error. David B
  5. It takes practice but well worth the effort. David B
  6. The solders you are showing are for use with a soldering iron. Silver Solder melts at over 1250 degrees F. I believe there is a tutorial on this sight that can better explain what it is. You can buy silver solder from any jewery supply store. David B
  7. Marvelous workmanship. You have a lot of patience. David B
  8. Your Sultana is shaping up nicely. A word of advice, make it so that you can repalce your bowspriit. I have found over the years that accidents will happen all the time. This way you can take care of any mishaps down the road. Speaking from several bad experiences. David B
  9. I am waiting to se the end project. I hope you have good optivisors. And a microscope. Have fun. David B
  10. The Missouri was a large ship. You could alway build it a 1/192. But the size would be rough. Heres a photo of the Missouri I took at a contest.. David B
  11. WAlter can you post a couple photos to show us the problem you are having? David B
  12. Nicely done and well thought out. David B
  13. Years ago I purchased a Jarmac 4 inch table saw. A perfect waste of money. Very underpowered and not very accurate. My Minisaw from Preac had more power. When Jim Byrnes came out with his saw I threw the Jarmac into the trash and forgot about it. David B
  14. For hinges stay with brass strips. After annealing they can be shaped and soldered to the desired shape. You can then either blacken them or paint them as I did. David B
  15. Increadable work Dan. Reminds me of a couple of chinese puzzles I have seen over the years. How many parts are in that assembly if I might ask. David B
  16. Beautiful work. Where did you get those wood clamps, or did you make them yourself? David B
  17. I am printing the form out now. Sounds like a lot of fun. David B
  18. Welcome aboard Dan. Question, what kind of wood are you using for your lifts that you need a wood hardener? David B
  19. I shudder to think of the bits you must have broken. Or else you have a very steady hand and a ton of patience. David B
  20. Here are a few of the one I made David B
  21. The Bluenose makes up to a great looking model. There are many build logs to look at as well. David B
  22. Your fittings may be too smooth. For paint to stick the surface must have a little tooth. Try soaking them in some vinegar for a while. After insing and cleaning try the paint again. David B
  23. Be very careful of any tool you buy from Harbor freight. The tend to sell cheap import knockoffs of many tools. From airbrushes to a foredom. They do have good deals. But know what you are getting first. David B
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