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Everything posted by Trussben

  1. Both QGs were completed and the hull moldings and friezes were installed and now it’s time to pay attention to the stern details.
  2. I would definatly put the Main wales in place first as this sets up where Everything else goes.
  3. Welcome Melissa, There are a few of us model builders in the capital region, enjoy your new hobby. Ben
  4. I look forward to watching your progress on the Echo, I started my dark side career out on exactly the same subject and it stood me in great stead. Ben
  5. Starboard QG all but completed, need to decide if I want the top of the roof color to match the frieze or the tiles. I decided to rip off the first set of upper moldings and make a slightly wider one with a different profile, it matches better than my first attempt I think. You may notice that my tiles slightly overhang that molding, not strictly like the contemporary model but I like how it looks. The drop was installed and fitted really well with only a little finessing. Now to finish up the Port side and then move onto installing the rest of the friezes and moldings. Ben
  6. I agree, PLEASE do not simplify this - it just takes a bit more care than a lot of people are used to taking - but that doesn't mean that a lot of us will not take that time to do it justice. Just for example - I spent a couple of months LEARNING how to properly line off my hull planking and I'm VERY happy that I did so as I know the result was better and I learned how to do something with more skill. Keep up the great work and keep the challenges coming! Ben
  7. Are you taking the pictures with an IPhone and posting them directly to the site? If so I had same issue - depends which way you hold phone to take picture, i had to edit the picture on my phone and flip it around and then save it again - it would then upload to MSW the way it was supposed to.
  8. Sorry Chuck, I'm back on the road working for a few week's now so very little progress will be happening.
  9. Planked the sub decks, I had thought about making the false main deck beams from my own Swiss pear to match the other structural parts, but when I saw how beautifully that Chucks laser cut parts fitted I decided to use them and stain to match the boxwood seeing as how those beams will almost be invisible.
  10. Thanks Dave, I decided to start the mockup of the QG window spacers and everything is looking pretty good so far.
  11. Installation of the QG top parts, again following the roundup of the transom athwartships AND the sheer angle the same as the lower pieces, I used a simple marked strip to check that the window space was the same fore/aft and in the middle.
  12. Thanks for the Help Chuck, I know if this is not done right then the entire QG wont look right at all.
  13. So I want to show you how I eventually figured out the correct height and position of the stool piece. After advice from Chuck I read and reread page 112 of David Antscherl’s Comet book where he discusses this exact thing although he calls it the berthing piece. 1st - I took the height of the upper counter where it meets the lower corner of the transom. 2nd - I transferred that height to the hull side, you can see the mark is LOWER than the transom which is correct. 3rd - I used a straight edge to follow the sheer of the hull and marked a line that shows where this bottom edge will be. 4th - I used the paper templates to mark the angle and heights of the other needed reference points inc it’s upper face level and the top of the QG ( or bottom of roof ) 5th - Sanding and fitting the piece being mindful that it’s upper face should follow the roundup of the transom. If anybody sees where I made a mistake here please let me know before I go any further.
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