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Everything posted by Trussben

  1. Thanks for all the comments and the “likes”. I now have the transom installed, the 3 x 7/16” wide upper counter planks went in perfectly and their bottom aligned exactly where they should, and then I made the final lower counter top plank to fit between them with a really good transition, so I’m pretty confident that the angle and height of all these parts are correct. ben
  2. Hey Bob, Correct, I used a little dab of white glue to secure the string. The tape was ok but it had a tendency to lift off so I ended up using a dab on that too.
  3. Lower Planking has finally been completed and 1st sanding to 220grit, I just added the stern post and will now sand everything to 400grit and apply some WOP. I'm Pretty happy overall with how it came out, there were a few issues around the tuck of the counter, the flow up the bow came out Ok and the Frame reveal is as I had planned it. I don't know if I would use Holly again for an entire hull as its damn expensive these days ( more than boxwood $$$$ ) but I like the color and it looks even better in natural light with a good contrast to the wales. That's the end of Chapter 2. Ben
  4. Thanks Dave, Dont get much modeling time these days, but after I get the hull planking on Winnie completed, I hope to switch back to Pegasus and finish the main deck framing.
  5. Hi Another belt of planking has been completed with one final belt ( 5 strakes ) to go, I’m happy with the flow that I have achieved so far using my string layout. Ben
  6. Nice to see you building again Jeff, you had a long enough vacation from it. Connie is looking very good - getting those gallery angles right is always really difficult for us all, but keep moving forward mate. Ben
  7. Hey Ron, Thats the view from the top of Mt Evans, CO. Elevation 14’130ft and the highest place in NA that you can drive to, Breathtaking - Litterally.
  8. It’s called a frame reveal, used to simulate what the real ships framing would look like when building a POB model.
  9. Another belt of planking has been completed but Ive yet to even rough sand it so pardon the messy look, 2 more to go but vacation week comes first.
  10. Hey Ron, I just spotted your new build log, very nice subject you chose. I was thinking about building her after Pegasus but I changed my mind and decided on something french for a change. I will watch this log with interest and your doing great so far.
  11. Hey Jeff, Great to see you still around, Holly is great that I got off you, wish I could get some more of that really pink Swiss pear though, last piece of pear I bought is very nice with straight grain, but it’s not pink at all.
  12. Seems like forever since I had any modelling time available for the Winnie or Pegasus due to work and another more pressing project, but I pushed myself to start the lower planking up again, even if I can install a strake on each side a week it is at least some progress. Here is the first belt on both sides completed now and you can begin to see the frame window taking shape. Hopefully it wont be another 10 months before the next update.
  13. Hey Chuck, Yeh, I plan to start modelling again this fall, Ive been so busy with work and other projects ( TR6 restoration ) that both Pegasus and Winnie have been covered up for a long time. Maybe I will find some time during the summer to get the Winnie hull planking completed.
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