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Everything posted by Trussben

  1. Hi and Thanks, To answer your question Hubac, the Swan class is quite a small ship at 96'7" long, and at 1:48 that equates to a 24" model ( length of main deck as per normal convention ), but if you rig her which I have not quite made my mind to do but I am leaning that way it will be quite a bit bigger, but still in the realms that the display case would not be too massive. ben
  2. Superb work by both of you, I cannot wait to see you rig her Greg. A shame about all the meetings being called off - I would maybe of tried to come and see her and you at New London. ben
  3. Thought I’d share a picture of the plank bending station that I made, very similar to Chucks with a few refinements of my own, it’s screwed onto the end of the build table of Winchelsea to keep everything close and together ready for when the time comes to add the two strakes below the Wales and when bottom planking really gets started. ben
  4. Thanks Druxey, I just wish I could live up to yours and Greg's standards for a build! I am trying my best to get better every time - and this is the best I can do so far! Spectacles are now are part of my life! ben
  5. Work has restarted on Pegasus, completing the upper planking and treenailing, then I have to machine the upper deck beams. ben
  6. Upper planking above the Wales in Boxwood has been completed, now to install the two strakes below the Wales and start machining the ebony I need for the 2nd layer of the Wales. Covid-19 lockdowns do equate to more modeling time. ben
  7. I use this online company for all my large printing, they do great work. https://blueprintsprinting.com
  8. Well here is my port side frame reveal completed, in the end it turned out to be 23 frames that i could fit between the bulkheads. I did the treenails with 20lb black line and reversed the pattern aft of the deadflat frames. I'm so happy with how this came out in the end that I'm considering building one on the starboard side as well but we shall see. ben
  9. Thanks Rusty. Fred - it’s really not that complex once you have it planned in your mind what you are trying to achieve. I hope to have the reveal completed this week as I’m installing frames and treenails as we speak. ben
  10. Thanks Chuck/Mike and all the likes. Here is the shadow box installed and spray painted flat black, I’m currently cutting the frames out of Swiss Pear sheet that I milled down to 11” thick, maybe get that done and this completed in the next few weeks. ben
  11. If anybody out there is still looking to buy Holly, try these guys in US. https://www.domexhardwoods.com/ ben
  12. Stern framing completed and transom looks like everything is where it should be, I will now add the QG supports and begin installing the frame reveal shadow box. ben
  13. JJ From what I see from that stern view, it appears that you have tapered them too much inwards, look again at the plans from astern to see the correct shape and adjust from there. ben
  14. Thanks All, After manipulation of the NMM plans in Autocad I have now also completed the design of the hull framing parts and where their joints will be. I need to make a load of these and construct the shadow box, I’m not going to make actual chocked joints - just simulate them and highlight with black monofilament line treenails. This could take a while. ben
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