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Everything posted by Fright

  1. What a wonderful job you did on building the Pearl. She looks seaworthy and ready to sail the seas!!!
  2. Popeye - Great job on your builds with the B-17. Job well Done !!!! I just purchased a PC game - B-17 Flying Fortress. Now I need to figure out how to play it
  3. I have enjoyed watching your adventures on building this plane. I'm sending out good vibes for your upcoming procedure
  4. Thanks to everyone for following along! I'm slowly coming along with my modeling skills. As you can see, I really like seeing boats/ships that have been in the elements. That's just my personal taste. Lou - I think your idea for the base is a great one! It would keep in theme with the boat. Who knows what the future will wash up?
  5. My condolences go out to the family. Smooth sailing to you, kind Sir.

  6. Your bomber is coming along nicely. I look forward to seeing this once the wings are added. I'm not sure if you mentioned it in your entries, are you using an airbrush or sprays and bottles on your projects?
  7. Wow! Beautiful work on the decking and skylight! This really is a beauty.
  8. Your Bluenose look great. I love how the sealer brought out a rich color to the deck.
  9. I love to see boats with some weathering on them. Like Yves said, "it has a soul".
  10. I really appreciate all of the kind comments that you have posted. I am always at awe with the amount of talent I see in MSW and, without sites like these, I do not believe that my modeling would have come this far. Many thanks for contributing your comments, thoughts, tips and projects to help others achieve their goals. Here's to all of our upcoming projects - Cheers! p.s. And may our other partners never find out those additional costs that make our dreams come true. 😉
  11. Thank you all for the feedback and kind words on this inexpensive kit by Lindberg. Here are a few more photos of my Jenny.
  12. I have finally reached the end on my 'Jenny' build using Lindberg's 1:60 scale shrimp boat. Finished with all of my rigging. The netting is tulle that was dyed a dark green. I tied line around the netting and sowed the red 3mm beads (floats) to the seam (tickle chain) in the tulle. The netting is attached to the drag doors on each side of boat. Forest is at the helm in the stern section of the boat. Lt. Dan is sitting atop the boom holding on to his support rope. A big thanks goes out to my very talented wife, Chris, for creating Lt. Dan's wheelchair that is at the stern of boat. She makes jewelry, creepy dolls and castles. The boat's base is a fishing cage that is made from wooden sticks that were glued to a black sheet of styrene. This hides the coin battery and on/off switch. There is a 3mm LED light by Evans Design to illuminate the cabin. I plan on mounting the cage to a piece of stained wood for my base. I used a couple film stills as my reference on this build. That, and I have no idea how many times I watched the boat scenes from the movie. I feel that I have accomplished what I set out to build. I wish to thank my wife for her help and to everyone who has followed along and offered support and interest in this kit. Cheers and on to my next project!!!
  13. Wow! That is a real setback. I also noticed that the tip on one of the pieces is missing as well or does one side still have part of the sprue on? Regardless, I'm sorry you are having this issue.
  14. Welcome aboard, Gaffrig! I'm looking forward in seeing your Bluenose build.
  15. To quote a movie line, "You can't kill a squadron"... not with you around. This fighter looks FaNTaSTiC !!!
  16. Popeye - Secrets? We don't need any secrets! LOL Humor and laughter is a great cure all. 😉
  17. OC - Thanks to an incredible doctor and my angel here on earth, my lovely wife, I'm thirteen years out and doing well. I learned that there are always someone who is suffering much more than myself and that life is very short and we all need to treasure each day and go for it. Yes! I do miss a martini and then some. I'm retired but stay active as a character actor with Six Flags and a musician here in Atlanta. Thanks for asking good, Sir!
  18. OC - I wish it was that simple! I still have my wheelchair from my liver transplant in 2007. I tried sitting in it but to no avail !!!
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