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Everything posted by petervisser

  1. Attention zeeschouw fans... another minor update. I have been working on the mast and its jewelry along with the other spars. Just a matter of staining, varnishing and painting really, but it does take time to put it all together. I also managed to make an athwartship traveller for the boom. Believe or not, I managed it the first try. I was certain it was going to take several attempts at getting the right bends at the right size. The flag is also flying! I used the flag supplied with the kit and am pretty happy with how it turned out. So here are a few more pictures... The flag flying from the the stern. I used some varathane to soak the material and then wrapped the flag around several dowels to give it some curves and life. I used some scrap material to experiment with to find out what, and what not to do. A shot of the traveller for the main boom. A shot of the boat with the mast and spars ready for mounting. My wife has kindly offered to sew the sails on her machine. She's awesome! They are a work in progress so I will wait to step the main mast until I can get the sail bent on. Stay tuned...
  2. Hi Ron, I just stumbled onto your request of drawings for Lilla Dan. I completed this kit a number of years ago and yes, I still have the instruction book and the drawings. However, the sheet drawings are not in the best of shape and so they won't likely make great copies. If you like, I can get an estimate on how much it would cost to get copies made and into the mail for you. Let me know via PM. Cheers, Peter
  3. Hi Vince, Just a great job so far. I am following along closely as I also have this model waiting in the wings. (Un)fortunately there are several models ahead of her. However, I will watch your progress and take some notes. Cheers, Peter p.s. Thanks for the great photos as well!
  4. Funny you should ask Nils! I just put on her name boards and now she has a proper name. "IRENE". I named her after my sister. The kit's name is "BIANCA" but I don't know anyone personally by that name so I decided "Irene" had more significance. Here are some pictures with the new name board. Now I have to start work on the sails. I have put another coat of paint on the masts and they are drying in front of the gas fire. Billing has supplied a sheet with the pattern of the sails inked on them. However, the material is a bit too white and stiff. So I will use them as pattern pieces and use muslin cloth instead. I am hoping to get a sewing lesson from my wife who has a sewing machine and a serger. I will do a little experimenting and come up with the best solution. Stay tuned to this channel....
  5. Thanks for the encouragement and nice words guys. Marc, the Amsterdam Maritime museum has a great selection of books. However, a few years ago, I tried buying some books there, but I could not actually enter the book shop. They had a counter person who would take the order and enter the shop to get it for you. I'm not certain if that's still the case, but you might want to think about the books you want before shopping there. The weather outside is awful with snow and sleet today soooo, I'm thinking I have free reign to hobby today! This is our first snow of the year really, so not much to complain about. Cheers guys. Peer
  6. A quick little update guys while the paint on the mast and spars are drying. The rudder minus the flag is finally finished. Boy, what alot of steps for finishing this one piece. Cutting out the rudder, laminating the strips of mahogeny, fitting the tiller, multi-layers of different colour paints and lacquer, fitting the pintles and gudgeons and aplying the decals. It took days and days! The decals were a bit challenging because I had not done any for many many years. They were applied and then I coated them with a few coats of varathane. They're not going anywhere! Well here is the finished product and the rudder dry fitted to the transom... Cheers, Peter
  7. Gil, Great idea in staining your rigging thread! An sollution for many of us with less than perfect rigging thread. I also like your fine detailing on the spars. Insprational! Peter
  8. Marc, Yes, I have the Billing Friese tjalk also! And I also have a kit of Lemster sailing barge that is produced by Mamoli. I am very fond of the Dutch sailing vessels and I saw lots during a trip to Holland to see family. We rented a small motor yacht and sailed the canals of Friesland. Many many vessels of all types to see and admire. Popeye, Unfortunately, Billing has decided not to market these kits outside of Europe. I suppose they think only people who are familiar with these types of boats would want to build them. That's unfortunate because these kits are ideal for beginners. They are easy to put together and don't take a great deal of time to finish. They also offer beginners a fun intro to the hobby and allow them to acquire some basic skills. I purchased my kits in Holland while on vacation. They make packing challenging! Kip, I managed to find them at Lee Valley! I am going to have to go back and look at what else is on offer. Lot of things to spend money on there... Today I painted a bunch of fittings and stained the mast and spar. Pictures to follow soon. Peter
  9. Thanks for the kind words guys. They are much appreciated. Today I must go out and try to find some tiny drill bits. The hardware stores have 1/16" but that sems to be the smallest they sell. Where do you guys get your bits? Peter
  10. Well, a bit more progress was finally made. I am working on the rudder and have finished the lee boards. I am also working on the mast and other spars as well. A bit of light at the end of the tunnel all ready. Here are some pics... The rudder is assembled and I am now giving it a few coats of paint. Here the lee boards are in place and rigged up. I have dry fitted the main spars. The gaff required a bit of bending in two different directions. A few dowels met their ends trying to get it right... The kit provided some plaques for the name on the stern. I have stained them and will add some letra-set lettering I found in my cache of goodies to give my model a different name. Tommorow I will stain the spars and paint some fittings in preparation to fixing the mast. Cheers, Peter
  11. Beautiful model Danny! Well done. I hope you plan a glass case to protect all your hard work and fine rigging. Peter
  12. A busy week in the workshop. I have prepped, painted and installed all of the deck fittings. Not that there were that many... This is proving to be a fun build and relatively quick. A nice change from a square rigger, that's for sure. Here are some photos of the progress... Cheers, Peter
  13. After many months of idle tools and a neglected model, it's time again to get back to "work". I have begun by prepping a number of itens that make up the deck fittings. For the most part an easy task because all the items are laser cut and simply need to be popped out of the sheet and sanded. I had to modify a couple of parts as they did not fit as advertised. A little scratch building was therefore required to keep me honest. Here are the results so far. Tomorrow a few more parts to prep and then I can start painting! I have dry fitted the sliding hatch and skylight. A closeup of the sliding hatch and skylight. And here a shot of all the parts so far ready for a few coats of paint. Stay tuned... Peter
  14. Hi Kip, First of all - Happy New Year! I was very glad to hear that you have found relief from your tremor and can get back to a hobby you get so much enjoyment from. All the best with the rest of your build! Peter
  15. Very nice work ZyXuz! I remember doing my own cannon during my build of the Unicorn. I rigged the guns fully in the waist and quarter deck where they were visible, but simply afixed the breeching tackle to the guns that were under the deck. It saved a bit of time and effort. Keep up the excellent work! Peter
  16. Hi Freddy, I have enjoyed your build log very much and hope to learn alot from it. I have a newer version of this kit which is waitting patiently for some attention. I will follow along as you have lots of great info and pictures which I really appreciate. Cheers, Peter
  17. Wow Ian, Incredible work so far. In the end I am sure you will be happy with the results. A satisfying experience to make the model the best it can be. I will continue to follow along as I enjoy seeing this kit built in so many ways. Peter
  18. Hi Don, Great loking model so far. Bluenose is a classic looking vessel with beautiful lines. A real racer! Just a little tip, the main mast, the taller of the two is stepped aft. It would be tragic to have it all rigged up in the wrong place. ;-) Peter
  19. Hello ZyXuz, I really like your paint scheme. It's nice to see someone do it a little differenty. Variety is the spice of life after all... You have completed one of the most difficult tasks in building a model ship, the hull. Good luck with the rest of the build! Peter
  20. Thanks for all the detailed posts and pictures Gil. Plenty of great tips and tricks for all of us! Peter
  21. That is a superb Bounty you have on the go Danny. Wow, she is turning out very nice. All the best with the rigging project to come! Peter
  22. Looking good Don!! Hey, if you need drawings of the running rigging, I have John McKay's large scale Bounty drawings I can lend you. I'm only home for another week so just let me know. Cheers, Peter
  23. Hi Hamilton, If that is the North Star of Herschel Island I just want to point out that the rig is a dummy rig. Those sails are never set and the vessel motors everywhere. The "ship" used to live in Victoria for a number of years and I had seen it many times. It's really a huge stretch give it credit for the rig it displays. Sorry to be such a downer but really, it's just a boat with lots of sticks. Peter
  24. Hi ZyXuz, The start of your build log sure takes me back to the days when I was building this model. On the whole I was satisfied with the materials, but I did end up buying a number of extra bits and pieces to make a better model. As for the white metal parts, they do bend. Just do it carefully around a curved object of the correct diameter. All the best with your build, and I will follow along. Cheers, Peter
  25. Hi Don, I have some large scale rigging drawings of the Bounty I could lend you. They are John MacKay's which he sold to me some years ago. Otherwise, Petersson's rigging book would be a very good guide. I've been away on holiday this summer so I have taken a break from model building and MSW. We can hook up when I get back from my next trip in early October. A get together is long overdue! Cheers, Peter
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