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Everything posted by RGL

  1. Deck wind barriers. As dirty as the deck is, I added some different coloured brown planks at the arrestor cables, to represent what would be replaced at the arrester hooks. There will be a lot of planes on the deck. So busy the errors will be hidden I hope.
  2. Back to the flight deck. Soot, rubber steaks, stains at the end of each plank. I’m going to have to use a very fine set of lines for tail hook strikes.
  3. I am a fan of alternative history, but I generally see a really good PE upgrade set that inspires me. This is the third German ship so it was a good option as Bismarck and Tirpitz are done to death and no one can tell me I’m wrong as it was never operational (except @cog) so I can beat it up a lot. Thus post #1 which shows it’s only viable use in any timeline. Strangely enough a novel came out after I started my build that included her.
  4. H&S Infinity with a .15 needle and a .5 needle for big works. It’s an amazing tool.
  5. Bridge and funnel thrown together, luckily it’s not glued as the funnel is on backwards. I only just noticed as the search light control room is on the wrong side. lots of little ladders for the side gantries
  6. There is always so much work with nothing to show! But, I find when all these pre prepared pieces suddenly come togeather and you find yourself mikes ahead of where you thought you were. Question; are you going to rig your ship?
  7. Railings and davits added. D876C937-3859-4DEA-94CD-FCD3D6F7973C.MOV 0D3FBDE6-E8F7-4C0B-B237-CDE836107546.MOV
  8. Are you going to use chipping fluids? If so might I suggest a good coat of German black/red then a coat of satin varnish and start with the chipping fluids and then shading? Regardless its looking great and I’m looking forward to see its hull painted.
  9. Small update, bow deck flag, and the catapult covers (open position) each of which have 27 gussets.
  10. Now, three yellow bars done. I’m not going to put a flag at the stern, as it does not make sense by 1944 to identify herself so easily.
  11. Yes, the bleed through! I’m going to use the airbrush for the rest of the deck painting so hopefully it won’t be wet enough to soak.
  12. Finally, I hand painted all the features that are supposed to be metal. There was a tiny bit of over run but after weathering and parking airplanes on top it want stick out. Next is to paint a big yellow line down the centre and the flags. The wind barriers don’t need to go on yet permanently. Coming along OK.
  13. One of the hardest things about putting on a pre chewed deck is alignment. The bigger the deck, the harder. This one’s about 1mm out of alignment. I must say the de k is quite nice and well defined.
  14. It’s dried rust, as it’s a dark colour it comes up very bright. I might work some scratches into it with a lighter primer colour on panel lines yet. There is a really big flagpole and a quad cannon in the stern that does distract a bit. Once I get the deck on I need to paint on nazi flags, landing lines and the weather it. Yes, there will be nazi flags as it’s still historically accurate regardless of it being repugnant. There will then be every bit as much as detail as Yamato or Ise.
  15. I cut them before the metal was attached. The rear flight deck, supports added plus a few stabilisation struts made from offcuts, paint, rust, rudders now it can stay on the stand. Notice the angle of the rudders which is more like the real thing.
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