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Posts posted by garyshipwright

  1. Thanks guys.

    Am sure that others will also find this to be helpful in their quest for tools that will be a good addition to their shop. QA that is one hell of a machine, pardon the pun sir. You can really hog off some wood with that.You modification to you belt sander are out standing that's for sure. I did go out in the work shop and tried my belt sander and seems that it did a good job on one of my HSS lathe tool which looks like a V and then also shapen one of my small wood tuning tools. It worked and may just save me a couple of dollars in the future. If not I probably go out and order the bench grinder your showing QA. I have always like Grizzly tools and are a good price for what you get from them. My jointer and table saw came from them and are a real joy to use. 



  2. Hi every one.

    I went through the tool log's and seems that there isn't much writtern about the bench grinder, at least none that I can find here on the site. We as a crew cover a lot about the different tool's and this is great for folks who are starting out and even a few of us that are tool junkies. :D I really do love reading this part on MSW about new items that may pass me by because I didn't know or didn't see it in a build log some place.  Any way am thinking about getting a bench grinder and the main reason is to shape my lathe tool's in to different shapes for making parts and pieces.After that am sure I find other uses for it if I get one.  I have a belt sander and even a Tormex sharpner but really wondering if I need a bench grinder. I really don't want to use my tomex for grinding and figure well maybe the belt sander could do it. Have not tried it but may give it a shot. I know that grinders are not expense but do you have any thoughts about one and how would you shape your lathe tools with out one?  Any thought's guys.

    Thank in advance.


  3. Hi druxey. Sorry sir I don't cook, accept maybe a can of soup ^_^


    Hello Marsares. Don't believe I will sir. That may just be a little to small for me but it's a ideal I just may have to look in to.


    Hi Sailor 1234567890, and thank you. As far as I can tell from looking of this photo, at the equipment around the Victory stove I would say yes they did. It seems they even had frying pans which I just may have to make a couple. As far as the giant stock pot there was two big boiler's on the other side from the grill section plus a stove for cooking bread. 




  4. Thanks Ron. But can we have a recount. I vote for Remco :D


    Hi Remco. Lovely job sir on those items and thank you. They do seem to add life to the stoves don't they. I do remember reading some were that the beauty is in the detail's and must say, you hit the nail on the head. I do have a couple of more items to add and do agree, sure don't want to turn it in to a doll house. :o


    Hi Pat and thank you. Well maybe a little and but do believe Mr Jones just may put up a fight if I put a dress on him.  :P

  5. Hi everyone,  I went and made a few items to go with the stove but after looking in on Remco stove and pot's, find his to be a lot cuter so going to have to do a little face lift on mine to make them just a tad cuter, if that's possible  ^_^  Beside got to thinking, whats a stove with out  pot's and pan's. :D  Remco see what you went and made me do. ^_^ Gary



  6. Thanks Mark. 
    Thats what am trying to figure out is the drop pawl's and if maybe they would of fitted Alfred with them in 1780. As I posted earlier, they were being tested in 1770/71 but not much is said till 1787 or so time frame. Guess I could always say that maybe Alfred got them a little earlier. :D Hum guess I may just have to sleep on that one. Mark you said the Ajax? Can you tell me were you found the name to go with that midsection? Have been looking for it's name, but have come up short. I do know that Alex said it was from around 1790/ 1800 time frame. 



  7. Thanks Michael, Pat and Alex. Well good sirs other then pot's and pan's the stove it complete, accept for the  stack. I finally added the pully's and chain, for the pit, which was just a little touche. Most of the new parts are made out of metal accept for the pulley's which are wood. Couldn't find any brass round stock big enough. Well back to the pump's. Gary








  8. Hi Michael. I have been going through your log for the last couple of days sir and must say that your metal and wood working are outstanding and top notch. It does seem that you have a very good relationship not only with wood but with metal which am still working my way through it. Will be keeping a eye on you log sir and have already learned a thing of two that should come in handy for Alfred. Have enjoyed your log very very much, and look forward to more updates. Gary 

  9. Hi Mark and thank you sir.


    I had some metal priming paint that I sprayed it with and then sprinkled it with baby powder, not to much and most was blown off before the final coat of flat black was put on. I do believe that David in vol 2, TFFM, talked about putting some on the mould before he poured the metal for cannon's, to give them a cast look, so figure why not. I did do a little dry brushing with  a couple of different paint colors on top of that to help  high light certain area's. My wife thinks its a cute little stove, which is okay with me, being that she is my biggest critic.


     Thanks druxey. 



  10. Thanks every one and those folks for there likes. I have got the stove further along and do think  I have come close to the cast iron look, at least as close as my skill will let me. Well back to work on her gun deck guys. Here is some updated photo's guys, and Mr Jones finally got a paint job along with the stove. Some were he seem to have picked up a slop bucket. Now I wonder where he got that from. Thanks again guy's.








  11. Well guys, I got to finally do some cooking and if any one has a pig, bring it on over and we can have a roast. Only kidding but finally have Alfred stove just about finished. Been working on it for a couple of days and has been a lot of fun. Its built of copper and brass, and a few pieces of plastic and wood thrown in to the mix. Still have to put the  bar around it and finish the stack. A couple of the items, probably will get replace, such as the pot holder's and in the mean time will have to make some pot's and pans. Don't be to hard guys and still need a lot of work on it.   Also have to figure out how am going to get that cast iron look so if any of you have any ideal's on how to do this, let me know, would you please. Just to let you know there was a few items that came from Chuck's photo etch set which came in real handy, so thank you Chuck. Enjoy the photo's guy's.













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