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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. Tom, congratulations, she turned out absolutely gorgeous. It's a shame that Jon isn't still with us to see the Scuds unveiling but I'm sure a smile beams down from above.
  2. John, welcome to MSW. As Mark said, please start a build log, we'd like to tag along.
  3. MCB, you could have cupped the mounting board. It's a shame you can't give a thumbs up and a sad face. Tough luck about the bow, beautiful redos.
  4. Mark, these days I think a little insanity is required to make it through the day. It's one of those if you can't beat em, join em situations.
  5. Bill, welcome to MSW, All the best finding you niche.
  6. Pat, is it possible to prestretch the wire to help it lay straight when run?
  7. Eurus, a 2mm wheel is less than a tenth of an inch. This is so small I don't think you're going to be able to get any detail though there are folks doing incredible things with 3D printers. Were it I, I'd make a 2mm circle from card, wood or brass, paint is white and call it good. I assume this is for the Cuauhtemoc?
  8. Phil, congratulations! I've enjoyed watching your Hanna build from from wet muck to flag, an amazing journey, thank you.......Keith
  9. Pat, why cotton instead of polyester? Cotton rots so dang fast. Nice to see you making progress, lovely work as always.
  10. Thukydides, welcome to MSW. I look for to seeing your build log.
  11. Gary, what a pleasure it is seeing this latest addition. Shame the Packard can't be included as you did such a bang-up job on it...... oh wait a minute, first piece for the next diorama!
  12. Brian, I think it'd be a great piece of history to add and is a lot cheaper that the following. Even though the first link isn't signed "Jr" both are clearly the same hand. https://www.ebay.com/itm/373256469929?hash=item56e7d1bda9:g:XtAAAOSwXS5fe4PX
  13. Brian, I was originally unsure but seeing it done I like it a lot. As Mark requested, more photos if possible, please. You need this for your Cairo collection. https://www.ebay.com/itm/154046974912?hash=item23ddea4bc0:g:kwsAAOSwuhZeY~OY
  14. One of my mother's favorite expressions. Phil, Hannah is looking quite the lady, great work.
  15. What's wrong with neon turquoise? In all actuality it looks pretty close to what aged copper sheeting would look like, see attached picture of USS Constitution hull before restoration. Will, your copper sheeting turned out great, it has that "not quite new" patina. 👍
  16. Chris, have the directors considered adding a section for Card Build Logs? It's a fascinating medium and you and others totally amaze me with what you're capable of doing. It sure would make it much easier to drop in and check on card builds.
  17. OD, welcome to MSW. It's likely a prewar decorative model made in Bavaria. I think they're best suited for a child's decor, bright and fanciful. Their only historically significance is they created a interest in building model ships by those same kids whose imaginations were carried to far away places.
  18. Pat, understood, thank you. Because of all the issues associated with it being a windless, are there other possible options? I don't know what those options would be, I'm clueless in Seattle.
  19. What I don't understand is why would the placement of "what is this" and the hatch matter? Considering the hatch cover is going to be on most of the time?
  20. Siggi, I posted, then I checked on the last time you had visited MSW and saw that you were in and out of MSW as usual. I Knew you were OK so I deleted the post. I too have had the summer blahs so I understand completely.......Keith
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