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Keith Black

NRG Member
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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. Sandra doesn't receive PMs so I posted a request for her to join the discussion on her new member introduction. Hopefully she'll have the opportunity to stop by.
  2. Sandra, we can use your translation skills in the below discussion. Thank you.......Keith
  3. Let's get Sandra in here and see if she can shed some light on "un hausard"
  4. Tony, I think you're correct. From what I gather "un hansard" = report. FWIW, I think "un hansard" was a report/record written by the Cooper and the person who was compiling the inventory was so impressed by the ability of the Cooper to make a written report/record that he included it in the inventory.
  5. Keith, below is from the search function top right of the page. There's a bunch of Keith's and I don't think this is all. These are just those Keith's that show up in a build log title. https://modelshipworld.com/search/?q=Keith&updated_after=any&sortby=relevancy&search_in=titles
  6. Keith, welcome to MSW. We have several Keith's here so join in the fun and enjoy yourself.
  7. Antony, welcome to MSW. I hope you're able to rekindle the joy of modeling, I look forward to your build log.
  8. Siggi, good to have you back. It's always a treat seeing your work.
  9. Sandra, welcome to MSW.
  10. Lynn, the Pram looks really good. I don't know who's having more fun, us watching you progress or you watching yourself. Bit of both I'm sure.
  11. Welcome to MSW.
  12. Mart, welcome to MSW.
  13. Welcome to MSW.
  14. Chris, welcome to MSW.
  15. Lynn, if you're unhappy with rounding the square stock for the spars, they sell round wood dowel in multiple sizes in oak and a mysterious white wood.
  16. Nick, welcome to MSW. Wishing you the very best on your first build.
  17. Dodge, welcome o MSW.
  18. Bruce, welcome to MSW. Is there a particular time period that you have an interest in?
  19. Glen, she came out really sweet. You've definitely given me the bug to attempt the Alabama, thank you.
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