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Everything posted by lmagna

  1. What was sad was that in all too many cases those women took those well paying jobs, (at the time) as a requirement because their husbands were away and they needed the income for their families. Some of those men never returned but the jobs went away rapidly for the women anyway after the war and even though they had proven that they were as skilled as any man in aircraft construction, all of the post war jobs went to the returning men, some whom had never driven a rivet in their lives. This was not a black and white 100% event but the numbers of women who were able to keep their jobs in the "man" trades diminished to almost pre war levels in the late 40s and early 50s.
  2. With that much 3D on this build it looks like you are going to find out. I personally think it looks impressive.
  3. I already know that if I have a build in mind that involves a steel, (plastic) ship they will be the first place I look for aftermarket. I already have their 8" turrets for my Houston. Unfortunately they have not developed their US selections as fully as their other navies, especially their Royal Navy.
  4. It looks like at least with one company 3D has surpassed PE for detail! I wonder how many companies will follow suit?
  5. I am not certain what diameter your tubing is, but I am fairly certain that you can go to the hardware store and pick up either a U or a V shaped piece of molding. Lay the tubing in the "Cradle" and use an older knife blade or craft knife to make repeated slices or scrapes along the straight edge of the guide until you get all of the way through. It may take a little while but like you said it is a one time thing.
  6. Thanks Ken I think I figured that out.......................... After you told me! With the explanation broken up all through the pictures of what was going on and why, kind of eluded me while in the middle of my morning coffee.
  7. I think it would have sounded better if it had been a French Canadian lumberjack accent. Is that a version of Zink Chromate Green? or just something Tamiya came up with?
  8. Not too clear what the two groves you cut in the funnel in the next to last picture are for Greg. They seem to be missing in the last picture. The interior funnel detail is a nice addition. Don't see that too often.
  9. That is a lot of decals! Looks like it will pay off in the end though. Very nice build!
  10. I am not a PT boat expert by any means, I don't even get to play one on TV, but what I think you are looking at is the layer by layer construction that was actually used in PT boat hull construction. PT boats were referred to as being built of plywood when in reality they were actually made of two diagonally layered 1 in thick mahogany planks, with a glue-impregnated layer of canvas in between. Everything was held together with bronze screws and copper rivets. So I think what you are seeing is the different layers of construction of the hull with the most "Finished" hull being the one on the far right.
  11. Nice progress Mike. Looks like it is going to be an interesting build to follow, and certainly a first on many levels.
  12. Looking like the down hill stretch Craig I am by no means any kind of authority, but years ago when I was trying my hand at the then fairly new 1/700 scaled ships I always held off installing the under hull and mast parts until the very end. They were no where as fine a detail as yours and of course did not have PE at all but the risk was the same.
  13. If you get too disgusted with the finish Chris, I know a guy here in the PNW who would love putting it on his camper this summer! You know............. Just for show.
  14. I think you might be cheating and are really building a 1/200 Scharnhorst! The detail and execution is astounding.
  15. Looking good Mike, nice to see you getting some time in on her again.
  16. Looks like they did pretty much the same with the real thing.
  17. I don't think there were too many combat pilots that would have agreed with him. There is no such thing as over powered, too maneuverable, or too tough in combat. I don't think I have ever heard of an F4U being referred to as having a light frame.
  18. You would also have to take into consideration the time period you wish to build her. Late WWII at commissioning, in pacific theater, post war, post FRAM etc.
  19. AH At last someone is getting around to the Ensign Eliminating Bent Wing Bird. That after market cockpit looks awesome!
  20. Just remember, the red side goes down. Nice work, looking forward to your planking.
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