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Everything posted by lmagna

  1. That is a harsh penalty that I have not heard of before. I should spread the word around here. Most people I know would take wearing masks MUCH more seriously.
  2. I think I read somewhere that the figurehead was removed and placed into storage at the Naval Academy when the Olympia was readied for WWI. Possibly they still have it stored somewhere?
  3. Hello Mike. Nice to see another person interested in this ship and the research that has occurred over the last 90+ years. I also read this and several other publications relating to both Davis's and Millar's research on the Providence and I think that not only is the design of the Davis/Brownell design more historically accurate but it is fairly obvious that they were the efforts of a group of researchers with the sole intent of creating nothing more than a historically accurate design while Millar was more interested and limited in design by the fact that he was trying to create a duplicate that still met modern day legal standards and was able to fulfill a commercial role. Not to say that the present day Providence is not only a handsome ship, but a functional one as well, just that in my opinion he Davis/Brownell collaboration is the more historically uncompromised, if that makes sense. I hope that with your physical location you are able to track down a set of the older plans and revive them from obscurity. In the mean time we at least get to vicariously partake in a world class build from at least one set of the plans that are available.
  4. Looks like you are finally getting a little break from silver and black! Looking super!
  5. Nice to hear that you made it through as well as you did Chris. Hope things continue to go well with you and you get back to 100% soon.
  6. Would this help? https://www.loc.gov/resource/ggbain.03311/
  7. Those plans look like the set that were published in Model Ships Magazine over twenty years ago in their yearly "Pinup" fold out plans. David Metcalf really made some nice stuff available for us poorer modelers back then. I was even able to build a couple of them, even though not this one, but I do have it in my stash of ship modeling plans. I had no idea that they were now producing a plastic hull to match the plans.
  8. Forget about if you are looking to adopt more grandkids, I'll trade my two for your one! She is young yet and it sounds like she my want to go to college. Our oldest did that. He graduated from High school wanting to be a rock and roll drummer. He even ended up going to Germany and other places and playing a few gigs for the USO. But on his way back he stopped off on the east coast, met a girl who was going to college and the next thing we knew we were paying college tuition! The girl eventually went her own way and the next thing we knew he had elevated his goal to becoming a doctor. Ten years later and he finally quit being a professional student and started making money on his own!
  9. It's an old age joke kind of thing Mike. You may need a few more years under your belt to see the humor.
  10. Nice watching these little guys come together Patrick. I have always liked the design ever since childhood when I built the Monogram kit. Didn't know much about them but liked the looks. Didn't know that in reality they were just a box with treads!
  11. You must be rich to still have 10 cents left after having bought all that PE Mike! I would be hard pressed to find 1 cent around here lately, (dental insurance, car insurance, house insurance, and the biggest, hospital bills! All at once) This little guy is sure getting detailed out though. Nice work!
  12. I know that in the end all of that stuff will make for a fantastic ship Greg, but right now it just looks mind numbing tedious!😵
  13. I agree, your practice at doing these types of finishes is really showing.
  14. I kind of thought that might happen. The real ships were plank construction not sheet so it would stand to reason the the model would work out better that way as well. Congratulations!
  15. What's hard and green and dangerous? A turtle with a 90mm!
  16. Take a look at Greg's Regia Marina Zara build https://modelshipworld.com/topic/23382-heavy-cruiser-zara-by-rgl-trumpeter-1350-finished/?tab=comments#comment-689302 He does a nice job in that build. There may be more examples but I'm not certain.
  17. IF it is done by people like you and Jeff! Someone like me................. not so much!
  18. According to George Sessions Perry in Where Away: A Modern Odyssey The USS Marblehead was doing it just days after Pearl Harbor. No where to store it all so it apparently just went into the trash! The islanders must have had a heyday!
  19. Not likely to happen Carl. Not only do I not have any U-boat builds slated for anywhere in the future, if I did they would be FAR behind several other models that are also unfinished in the cue.
  20. I saw that as well Mark but I thought this kit was unique in that it is the only metal kit that states it is in scale, and 1/350 is so popular. It is reportedly very hard to build but I thought the X-Ray approach was unique. Something I had not considered but if it is accurate scale then I see no reason why not. I also thought it could be used as a source for after market decks etc for a type VII.
  21. I can't believe how nice this is turning out. It is really looking nice. When I build the old Heller Ferrari P3 they suggested you make the cooling ducts from wire wrapped around a stick and painted with a heavy coat of paint. This looks much easier.
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