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Everything posted by lmagna

  1. I would have loved to get one but they do specify "Pilot" so that left me out!
  2. Great build of a classic but seldom modeled design Harvey. I enjoyed following along. I know I will be back again when I build my Lindburg Q ship to look in and see how the real thing is built. Seeing her in the water will also be a plus. Hope you are able to do it soon.
  3. Not sure what you are saying about the PE chains. They looks 3D in the pictures above even when zoomed in. Nice work.
  4. I have never heard of it. From what I saw on YouTube that may have been a good thing. Some parts of it kind of remind me of a poor mans version of our TV series of Zorro with Guy Williams. The three main people in that series are Don Diego de la Vega/Zorro, his servant Bernardo, and the sometimes scene stealer Sergeant Garcia. I think even as an adult watching episodes these days it still holds up OK. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYdDqi1EsFQ I also still like the theme song and I always thought Guy Williams sword work was above average. Airwolf.......... Now there was one I forgot all about. Loved the helicopter, like Kit on Night Rider it was the true hero of the show.
  5. Heck with all that framing to attach to he could go 1/8" and when curved it would be rock solid!
  6. Are you going to be able to even move this thing when it is done? It looks massive, and built like a tank!
  7. I think I have! They may have been a step or two above The Whirlybirds. Makes me worry a little about my emotional development when I was young, I LOVED all of those programs! I guess I have to blame my parents for letting me watch them.
  8. I lay claim to five kids ALL boys. The only ones where we knew in advance what sex they were was the last two and they were adopted! Even more off subject, I saw this the other day and thought it might be a perfect consolation gift to yourself for the extra upcoming night shift duties. https://www.ebay.com/itm/333773264295?hash=item4db66fd5a7:g:5VkAAOSwQolbFEJU
  9. You had to build the Revell kit soon, the box was about to fall apart! You missed my favorite childhood version, The first season of The Whirlybirds! Having looked at an episode on YouTube or somewhere recently I have no idea why I loved the show back when I was seven or eight, but like Sea Hunt and a few other programs of the time I loved it. I was even able to send away and get the sanctioned Bell 47G model from the show. Spent a lot of back yard time with that! May have even been the reason I jumped at the job of door gunner when the opportunity presented itself years later.
  10. Quite some progress Harvey. She is lookin better and better. I hope your wife doesn't make you keep it in the driveway!
  11. Wow, talking about using your time wisely. I usually just take a book when I need to drop off my wife for one of her many doctor appointments. Your way is much more constructive. I hope all went well and she is doing OK. Your work on the Wasa is looking nice by the way.
  12. So do you know if the new baby a girl or a boy? With two girls already, if you have another you may be in need of FAMILY survival training! It's a wonder that you get any modeling time in as it is. The shape is really coming along though and it is looking the part.
  13. Back row present Mike. Why not make a bomb handling cart and place it next to the aircraft. That way you could place the wings anyway you want. Not certain about the flaps, they were probably manual not hydraulic, but who would argue?
  14. In another life a long time ago I worked in a warehouse where they had heaters exactly like that and even though they were noisy they pushed a lot of warm air around and kept the place reasonably warm in the winter.
  15. Where do these builds hide? You have been at this one for a while now and made plenty of entries yet this is the first time it has shown up for me! Nice work DmitriyOG.
  16. Beautiful plane Dan. I enjoyed following the build and seeing how a real talent makes fantastic models.
  17. Nice work Gary. We have a number of buildings in my area that look exactly like what you are creating, including the stained walls and window frames.
  18. I have had that happen a couple of times after having to do late paperwork at the end of shift that took several hours to complete before I could leave for home. One time it was when I had done 14 hours straight and the other a very full and adrenalin pumping long 16 hour shift! In my case though I was driving! 😵 I made it into my house though and on the second time it was my Friday and I slept like I was dead for the next sixteen hours and still felt tired!
  19. As an after thought, I don't think I have ever gotten so bored with a model that I fell asleep while building it. I do it all of the time while watching movies at home, but if you knew the movies my wife likes watching then you would understand.
  20. Can't do that with my Shih-Tzu. He hates any kind of clothing, even in the dead of winter with snow.
  21. I must admit that I never considered getting a mast through the head as a recommended way to be woken up, but to each his own. Slap a Band-Aid over the hole and model on!
  22. Congratulations Jack. It's always nice when you get to finally move on to the next step after the long and drawn out parts.
  23. You can at least come in to watch Denis. It might rain outside on the lawn!
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